Kinney High School 2710 Kilgore Rd., (916)294-9060 Dana Carrigan, Principal
Kinney is a WASC Accredited High School Graduate with a High School Diploma Qualify for trade schools & all Community Colleges Qualify for Scholarships Access Partner with Los Rios Colleges Assist with application process for enrollment and FAFSA
Students who are expelled do not come to Kinney Who Comes to Kinney? Most students come for 2 reasons from Cordova High and surrounding districts: 1. Behind in Credits Struggled with the academics Struggled with attendance 2. Desire for a smaller school Struggled with the comprehensive school setting Students who wish for a smaller campus Students who are expelled do not come to Kinney
We are Safe, We are Respectful, We are Responsible…We are Coyotes! Kinney Stats Approximately 150 students Individual attention in a small setting (class sizes average less than 20) Positive School Culture: We are Safe, We are Respectful, We are Responsible…We are Coyotes! Multiple support measures: Student Needs Assistance Program (SNAP), Marriage/Family/Therapist (MFT), drug and alcohol counseling, school counselor, tobacco cessation counseling and workshops
KHS Graduation Requirements 200 credits Passing Integrated Math 1 Passing Integrated Math 2 Foundations
Attendance is Key! Show up every day on time Do the work to demonstrate competency Earn 1.0 credit per class per three-week session minimum Graduate at any point throughout the year
How to Earn Credits at Kinney Complete all 15 lessons! If you have good (80% or higher) attendance and complete all the classroom work, you will earn 1.0 credit in each class every three weeks. Earn one elective credit at the monthly Saturday sessions by completing a project while you are there. Earn credits by demonstrating subject matter competency by challenging classes. You may only challenge a class that you have not yet taken and it must be done during the first three weeks you are enrolled in that class. Complete homework assignments or extra credit in addition to earning credits by working in class. To receive homework, you must (1) complete the classroom assignment that day, and (2) ask the teacher(s) for homework. If you complete a homework assignment every day in addition to daily work in class, you could complete a five (5) credit report card in less than a semester.
Extra Curricular Activities Student Government Gardening Club Robotics Club Art Club Holiday Meal in December Fall & Spring Activities Days & BBQ End of the Year BBQ Blood Drives Field Trips
Ready to Enroll? If coming from Cordova High, tell your counselor to obtain a referral then check out of Cordova (return books, get check out grades) If coming from another district, contact your district office for interdistrict agreement (IDA) form If you just moved into Rancho Cordova and wish to enroll at Kinney, call the school at (916) 294-9060