Community Based Learning Faculty Fellows Program Design, Implementation, and Strategies to Promote Student Success and Civic Engagement
Community Based Learning at UWW UWW is a Carnegie Classified Campus for Community Engagement (2015) Member of Wisconsin Campus Compact LEAP Campus (HIP) De-centralized Model Focus on Faculty Development and Partnerships LEARN Center workshops CBL Breakfasts CBL Tours CBL Website/Resources Support from School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education
Community Based Learning Fellows Program Modeled after successful Teaching Fellows Program (LEARN Center) Goal: This is a year-long faculty development program that provides a structured and collegial environment for a group of 10-12 faculty and academic teaching staff from across campus to explore best practices in community based learning and to undertake a substantial revision of an existing course to develop a new service-learning or community based research component in that course. Chair support required, with promise to launch course at completion of program Intentional recruitment from faculty and academic staff, across all colleges, with goal of assembling a diverse group of fellows
Program Objectives Explore best practices in community based learning course design Help define how the campus can best support community based learning instruction Complete a course redesign project intended to enhance civic engagement while also integrating at least one of the following thematic strands assessing student learning outcomes: Civic Engagement Diversity Learning E-Portfolios Community Based Learning Scorecards Make a contribution toward a campus and UW System priority Develop more collegial relationships among faculty from across campus
Timeline Overview Fall 2016: Send invitation to all Deans November 2016: Review and select applicants (all colleges represented) Program runs entire 2017 calendar year January 2017: One-day workshop led by Gavin Luter, WiCC Spring 2017: Biweekly seminars focused on best practices in course design May 2017: Draft Course Redesign due June 2017: One-day summit with community partners Summer 2017: Ongoing work with community partners to build course, 1:1 support August 2017: Final Course Redesign due Fall 2017: Launch courses; Monthly seminars/community of practice
January 2017 Workshop Introduction to program and participants Explanation of key concepts of community based learning and relation to civic engagement Introduction to working with community partners Partnership with Wisconsin Campus Compact- resources and expertise
Spring 2017 Seminars Seminars with discussion of readings on civic engagement and student development Individual consultation meetings to develop community based learning project ideas Sharing best practices, models for course design and assessment, Community Based Learning scorecards and e-portfolios Understanding the importance of reflection activities Community or Regional Partner Agency Consultation See Handout
Summer 2017 Workshop Collaborative work with community partner Gavin Luter (Wisconsin Campus Compact) gave a brief presentation on faculty- community partner collaboration and then Gavin and Jodie led the group through a step-wise process to address common concerns, considerations, and shared responsibilities. Addressed practical considerations, including contracts, MOUs, background checks, and risk management forms. Reflection and Assessment of Learning in CBL Courses. Followed the DEAL Model-each participant created one or more reflection activities and/or assessments to utilize in the CBL course. Individual consultation meetings to refine community based learning project ideas Formation of working groups for peer review during summer See Handout and Checklist
Fall 2017 Launch redesigned course and discuss progress Report on integration of one of the thematic strands into the course redesign Monthly seminars focused on (see handout): Problem solving surrounding any issues that arise Facilitating discussion around sensitive topics E-portfolio CBL professional development and publication opportunities How to Scale and Sustain Community Based Learning Courses Working collaboratively to plan activities to disseminate information (i.e. Assessment Day, LEARN Center workshops, LEAP presentations, etc.) By the conclusion of the Fall 2017 semester, each participant required to submit a detailed report on their course redesign and assessment activities
Participants and Partners College Course Community Partner(s) Arts & Communication Corporate & Commercial Video Production United Way Tomorrow’s Hope Applied Health & Wellness Communication Business & Economics Entrepreneurial Marketing Business & Society Whitewater Islamic Center, Islamic Society of Brookfield Management: Training & Development UWW Human Resources, Fairhaven Senior Center, other HR partners
Participants and Partners College Course Community Partner(s) Education & Professional Studies Motor Learning & Development Fairhaven Senior Center; Home School Partners Principles of Outdoor Recreation Fairhaven Senior Center Children’s Literature (Teacher Ed Program) Ice Age Trail Alliance Letters & Sciences Public Health UWW Health Services; Aviands, Rock River Free Clinic Public Policy Analysis United Way University Center First Year Experience Learning Community Whitewater Unified School District
Dissemination and Sustainabiltiy UWW LEARN Center workshops WiCC Civic Engagement Institute Other conferences (with support from UWW) Ongoing partnership with community agencies Publications All courses part of regular rotation
Potential Next Steps Create CBL liaisons (faculty and students) to enhance partnerships Focus on multi-faceted partnerships around demonstrated community need (i.e. CBL breakfast Theme: Health and Wellness) CBL course designation Next cohort of CBL Fellows: 2019 Civic Action Plan Maintain Carnegie Designation Civic Engagement Certificate
Questions and Comments Jodie Parys CBL Coordinator, UW-Whitewater