Domestic Violence in Multnomah County November 2, 2010 Local Public Safety Coordinating Council
Domestic violence is a significant problem in the County 40-50% of all reported violent crimes 25% of reported felony violent crimes
Frequently the most significant contributor to violent deaths in our community Generally 25-30% of all homicides are related to domestic violence So far in 2010, there have been AT LEAST 16 deaths in Multnomah County related to domestic violence Compared to 4-6 related to gangs
Victims have multiple barriers to Safety and Stability 83% had children, and most had young children (average age of children 8) 49% had no more than a high school degree 29% were employed 59% of those who work, had taken time off in the last six months because of domestic violence 28% had lost a job, had to quit or were fired in the last six months because of DV 68% had an income of less than $1,000 per month 90% had difficulty in meeting basic needs 40% often to sometimes did not having enough food to eat
Barriers, continued They are likely to be living in an unstable or unsafe housing situation 79% had difficulty making their monthly rent payment 65% had trouble getting housing 27% had been homeless (living on the street, in their cars or in a motel 55% lived with family or friends
Victims had high levels of danger and were often severely impacted by the violence 71% were in extreme danger 83% met the criteria for clinical depression 94% experienced symptoms consistent with PTSD, 54% had accessed hospital/emergency medical services in previous 6 months with the average PTSD score of 56, which is equal or higher than that of returning veterans of combat (50)
Victims had high rates of criminal justice involvement Police had responded to assist 60% of the victims 47% had applied for a restraining order
Their children were adversely impacted by the combined housing instability and exposure to a violent perpetrator 45% of children were outside the normal range of functioning on a behavioral assessment 37% missed 6 or more days of school in the last six months 31% missed 1 or more days of school due to DV in the last six months 23% had a decline in school performance in the last six months
Today’s Presentations Contested Restraining Order Hearings An Overview of Children’s Exposure to Violence Findings and Recommendations from the Domestic Violence Fatality Reviews