Transitioning from Washington to Adams The Federalist Years Transitioning from Washington to Adams
Federalist Years = Years of Tests and Precedents Getting pulled in two directions Development of Political Parties
HaNDling Rebellion Shay’s Rebellion Whiskey Rebellion Government (under Articles of Confed) was powerless to stop it Washington called out 13,000 troops to put it down (successfully)
La Revolution des Francais What do we do here? Do We Support the Move Towards Self Government? Do We Repudiate the Actions of A Revolution Gone Wrong?
Party Politics in America Federalists Democratic- Republicans Loose Constructionists Pro-British foreign policy Wanted a National Bank Strong National Government Strict Constructionists Pro-French Policy Against a National Bank Weaker National Government, Stronger States (old Anti-Federalist position)
Foreign Policy Key Word Neutrality
Avoiding “Entangling Alliances” The World War I Example
Avoiding War With France The XYZ Affair
France begins attacking American vessels on the open Atlantic that are Britain-bound and looting them (300+ by 1797). John Adams sends a delegation to Paris to negotiate a stop The French diplomats offer to negotiate…for a price America begins preparations for war…
Alien Acts Sedition Acts Let’s Play “Who Needs a Constitution?” The Alien and Sedition Acts Alien Acts Lengthened wait time to become a citizen Threatened deportation for “disloyalty” Sedition Acts Illegal to say anything “false or harmful” about the government Severely limited free speech
Most Significant Result of Alien and Sedition Acts: Democratic-Republican leaders Thomas Jefferson and James Madison create the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Argue for Nullification: The right of a state to negate or ignore a federal law Sets the stage for 60+ years of argument