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Outline What is Accreditation? Accreditation Authority: Washington Accord, BAETE What is Outcome Based Education (OBE)? Accreditation Criteria Components of OBE Mission and Vision of a program Program Educational Objective (PEO) Program Outcome (PO) Course Outcome (CO) What changes to be made? Introduction to OBE 2 Prof Jahid

Accreditation of Academic Programs Accreditation is a quality assurance review process to determine if educational programs meet certain standards of quality Standards for accreditation are set by a peer review board whose members include faculty from various accredited universities Accreditation done by an external body Examples: Washington Accord, ABET, Sydney Accord, Dublin Accord etc Introduction to OBE 3 Prof Jahid

Accreditation of Academic Programs Accreditation of a program recognizes and acknowledges the value of transforming a student into a capable engineer with sound knowledge of fundamentals and an acceptable level of professional skill Main objectives Graduates acquire a required set of attributes of national and international standards Required a mechanism for continual improvement of the program through evaluation and feedback Introduction to OBE 4 Prof Jahid

Washington Accord Washington Accord is an international agreement for engineering degrees between the bodies responsible for accreditation in its signatory countries Agreement recognizes that there is substantial equivalence of programs accredited by signatories Graduates of accredited programs in any of the signatory countries are recognized by the other signatory countries as having met the academic requirements for entry to the practice of engineering Introduction to OBE 5 Prof Jahid

Washington Accord Established in 1989 and covers only undergraduate engineering degrees under Outcome Based Education (OBE) approach Full signatories as of 2018 are Australia (1989), Canada (1989), Ireland (1989), New Zealand (1989), UK (1989), USA (1989) Hong Kong (1995), South Africa (1999), Japan (2005), Singapore (2006), Korea (2007), Taiwan (2007), Malaysia (2009), Turkey (2011), Russia (2012), India (2014), Sri Lanka (2014), China (2016), Pakistan (2017), Peru (2018) Introduction to OBE 6 Prof Jahid

Washington Accord Provisional signatories are Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Mexico, Philippines and Chile Provisional Signatories are recognized as having appropriate systems and processes in place to develop towards becoming a full signatory Introduction to OBE 7 Prof Jahid

BAETE BAETE: Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education, Bangladesh BAETE provides accreditation to a Program that is offered by an institution of higher learning approved by an appropriate authority The program shall be of a duration of four years, after twelve years of schooling The program shall include sound foundations in science and mathematics leading to the professional practice of engineering Introduction to OBE 8 Prof Jahid

OBE – Paradigm Shift Existing Program of MIST Proposed OBE system Input based system Quantitative assessment CQI not important Proposed OBE system OBE is an educational process Outcome based assessment Directed/focused at achieving certain specified outcomes in terms of individual student learning Strong emphasis on CQI Outcomes – key things students should understand and be able to do or the qualities they should develop Introduction to OBE 9 Prof Jahid

Who can apply Program approved by an appropriate authority (ie Govt. or UGC) Program duration is 4 years Admission after at least 12 years of schooling At least one batch has graduated Minimum total credit hours is 130 (1 Cr of lecture  750 minutes of formal contact) (1 Cr of lab  1500 minutes of formal contact Program follows Outcome Based Education Steps: System in place  System in practice  CQI Introduction to OBE 10 Prof Jahid

Accreditation Criteria 1. Organization and Governance 2. Financial and Physical Resources 3. Faculty 4. Students 5. Academic Facilities and Teaching Support 6. Curriculum and Teaching-learning processes 7. Program Educational Objectives 8. Program Outcomes and Assessments 9. Continuous Quality Improvement 10. Interactions with the Industry Introduction to OBE 11 Prof Jahid

Accreditation Criteria Introduction to OBE 12 Prof Jahid

Evaluation Based on the 10 criteria Each criteria is holistically judged against the benchmark requirements in terms of Compliance – satisfies requirement. No corrective measure needed Concern – broadly in compliance but needs improvement to avoid potential non-compliance Weakness – Lacks strength of compliance. Requires corrective measures Deficiency – Does not exist or is in an elementary stage. Compliance is required Introduction to OBE 13 Prof Jahid

Accreditation Decisions No deficiency, no weakness in any criteria Accreditation for 6 years No deficiency, weakness not more than 3 criteria Accreditation for 3 – 5 years Deficiency in 1 or more criteria or weakness in more than 3 criteria No accreditation An non-accreditated program may reapply after 1 year Introduction to OBE 14 Prof Jahid

Main components of OBE Introduction to OBE 15 Prof Jahid

Vision, Mission and PEO of a Program Vision is a futuristic statement that an institute would like to achieve over a long period of time Mission is the means by which it proposes to move toward the stated vision Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are long term goals (ie 5 years or more after graduation) describing expected achievements of graduates in their career Introduction to OBE 16 Prof Jahid

Course Outcome – CO Course Outcomes (CO) address the abilities to be attained by students upon the completion of a subject A subject usually has several COs Ideally 2 to 4 COs is considered a good practice Bloom’s Taxonomy action verb and levels need to consider while writing COs Introduction to OBE 17 Prof Jahid

Bloom’s Taxonomy Introduction to OBE 18 Prof Jahid

Program Outcome – PO Program Outcomes (PO) are short term outcomes (at the point of graduation) describing what students are expected to know and be able to perform Washington Accord has specified 12 Graduate Attributes as POs of Engineering programs BAETE has adopted those POs Introduction to OBE 19 Prof Jahid

CQI Introduction to OBE 23 Prof Jahid

What Changes to be made Course Content: Reviewing course content to suit specified Learning Outcomes, current development, industrial needs, job specifications, professional body requirement (accreditation), etc Teaching – Learning Methods: Introducing innovative teaching methods/delivery tools to achieve PEOs and POs Assessment and Evaluation Tools: Introduce variety of assessment tools to measure the achievement of PEOs and POs – appropriate rubrics required Introduction to OBE 24 Prof Jahid

What Changes to be made Data and Evidence Collection: Collect evidences of process involved and the achievement of the PEOs and POs – complex problem in question, feedback collection etc OBE Management System: Create an effective OBE management system – through MCAM Introduction to OBE 25 Prof Jahid