Character Descriptions: ‘Showing, not telling…’ Which of these character descriptions is better and why? She was a really nasty lady. She was mean and always cruel to people. She had piercing blue eyes that made you feel guilty even when you’d done nothing wrong. Her thin, painted lips were permanently twisted into a miserable sneer of disapproval.
Read each of the following sentences carefully Read each of the following sentences carefully. Write down what you think the author wants you to feel about the characters mentioned. “Don’t be absurd,” the teacher scoffed. “No, no hope at all,” the doctor answered coldly.
3. Joe’s dark shadow loomed over Billy as he cracked his knuckles 3. Joe’s dark shadow loomed over Billy as he cracked his knuckles. Billy took a deep breath and screwed his eyes up tight. 4. As she heard her sister coming up the stairs, Sally felt her stomach encircled and twisted by a web of ever-tightening wire. 5. Tony sniffed hard, trying not to cry. Kate smiled gently and put her hand on his.
Choose two words from each of the following extracts and explain (in full sentences) how they shape our impressions of the character. The teacher barked a short, cold laugh and darted a withering look across the classroom. “Shut up,” she snapped. The teacher laughed happily and sent a warm, twinkling smile across the classroom. “That’s enough now,” she said gently.
Using a simile or metaphor can help to make a vivid description by “borrowing” associations or impressions from other things Detective Inspector Jenkins’ eyes were ice-blue and as cold as flint. Sam’s smile was as bright and warm as the sky on a perfect June day. (copy slide and add dialogue…..)
TASK: Write a piece describing one of the characters in the following pictures. Don’t tell us what he’s like, but give us clues in the way that you write about him. Describe him in lots of detail, zooming in on particular features like his nose, mouth or hands. Try to use a simile or metaphor to make your description vivid and powerful!
TASK: Write a piece describing one of the characters in the following pictures.
If you wish to you can start with this: The figure stood in the dark doorway, staring out into the freezing night. His eyes…
What Worked Well? Even Better If … 1. Listen to each other’s character descriptions and identify particular phrases you find effective. Which words really help to conjure up a lifelike image of the man in your mind? 2. What could we do to improve these further? Could we experiment with more exciting language choices (adjectives in particular)? What about similes and metaphors – could we improve our use of these somehow?