Welcome to Room 304 Curriculum Night Miss Roth’s class
A Little about me This is my second year at Clark Elementary School teaching 3rd grade. I went to Washington State University and love watching my Cougs play each week. I moved to the area last August, I previously lived in Vancouver Washington I love the outdoors and spending time with my friends and family…and my 20 3rd graders
Clark Code Be Safe, Kind, and Productive. Demonstrating Expectations Clark Coins, Kerplunk, Team Points, Dojo Great Kid
Reading Making Meaning Balanced Literacy Mini Lesson Read to Self Guided Reading Groups- Book Clubs One-on-One Conferring Making connections, Questioning, Inferring, Monitoring for Meaning, Predicting, Visualizing, Determining Importance, Summarizing, Non-Fiction Text Features, Sequencing
Math Eureka Math Workshop Fluency Application problem Concept Development Problem Set Exit Ticket Math Workshop Small Group Hands on Activities
Writing Units of Study Personal Narrative Informational Opinion Writing Writers Workshop Mini Lesson Writing Time One-on-One Conferring Celebrate
Science Salmon Rocks and Minerals Weather
Social Studies Geography of North America Cultures in North America Cultures in Our Community: Notable Americans Google Expeditions and Google Earth
Assessments State Testing: Smarter Balanced (Spring) In Class Observations, conferences, daily check-ins Math Mid-module and end of module Reading Fountas and Pinnell (Fall and Winter) Participation, in-class work, projects
Scoring guide 4 — Exceeds Grade Level Expectations 3 — Meets Grade Level Expectations 2 — Approaches Grade Level Expectations Needs Additional Practice/Support 1— Below Grade Level Expectations Area of Concern Demonstrates exceptional skill/concept development Applies learning to other subject areas independently Demonstrates skill/concept development appropriate for the grade level Applies learning to other subject areas with guidance Demonstrates skill/concept development that is below the grade level expectations Requires extra time, support, and/or practice Demonstrates skill/concept development that is significantly below the grade level expectations Requires extended time, support, and/or practice
K-5 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum Second Step Builds Positive Social, Emotional and Behavior Skills + Self management +Self Awareness + Relationship Skills +Social Awareness +Responsible Decision Making
Social Emotional Learning Curriculum K – 3rd Grade Units Unit 1: Skills for Learning Listening • Focusing attention •Using self-talk •Being assertive Unit 2: Empathy Identifying one's own and others' feelings •Taking others' perspectives Showing care and concern for others Unit 3: Emotion Management Understanding strong feelings •Identifying and managing strong feelings Calming down strong feelings Unit 4: Friendship Skills and Problem Solving Making and keeping friends •Calming down and using Problem-Solving Steps
Some ways to support your child at home Talk about emotions and what to do with strong ones ALL emotions are okay Support kids to follow through on tasks, the first time. Chores are one way to do this Play games together – learning to win, lose, and take turns is important Reinforce Second Step lessons/ home links
Homework Reading/Math Logs (Monthly) 30 Minutes a Night/ 4 times a week Not required but highly recommended Math support? Let me know!
Communication Weekly Newsletter Classroom Website E-mail
Volunteering Cleared through the district Small group work Copying Art Docent Chaperones