Service Learning: Bay Area Women's Center Kristina M Crook RN
Agency description Bay Area Women's Center has a long history in providing domestic violence and sexual assault services within Bay and Arenac Counties. Counseling, support groups and advocacy services are available for victims of domestic or sexual violence, regardless of their age, gender or background (BAWC, 2015). I selected the Bay Area Women’s Center to complete my service learning project. The shelter is a domestic violence and sexual assault shelter that focuses on providing a safe place for women and children of abuse.
Volunteer Role Maintaining the crisis center office for resident needs Answering the phone in the crisis center Assisting staff with the move in/intake process of new residents to the shelter Monitoring the children while mothers attend support groups and individual therapy. Assisting staff with the donations to the center Maintaining the crisis center is the hub of the office. This is where all the action takes place. Residents come in and out of the shelter through this area as well as staff. The pubic will come to this area to drop off donations or looking for individuals. Protection and confidentially is vital for the protection and safety of the residents and staff. The orientation is intense that the center provides to all of the volunteers because of the potential risk of harm to the victims.
Reflection Size and reach of the shelter: Diverting medical care: Hundreds of women, men and children receive services from the center annually Diverting medical care: Providing free rape kits and sexual assault exams at the clinic Providing free counseling and legal support to residents of the shelter This experience was very personal to me as I am a survivor of childhood physical and sexual assault. Being able to share my story with others and offer hope provides me with a form of therapy and I feel that I have come full circle with my past that I have tried to bury instead of accepting and moving past. I have become a better nurse because now I know how to provide care and support in these difficult situations and I have become more at peace within myself after talking with the women and children that have passed through the shelters doors. We all have a purpose and sometimes we have no idea of what it is until we are made to look deep within ourselves. This project has helped me face my past and now I am a stronger person that will be able to help many people in most difficult times of their lives.
Synthesis Collaboration Leadership Theoretical Base for Practice Working with staff, case managers, nurses and other volunteers and individuals of the shelter Theoretical Base for Practice Provides community based resources and support to individuals seeking a safe shelter from domestic violence and sexual assault. General Nursing Practice Provides care to a diverse population Health Care Environment Improving community resources and educating the community – completes rape exams to the public (men, women & children) at the shelter decreases a stress on the client and the local hospital ER’s. Professional Nursing Providing compassionate care Scholarship for Practice Evidence that the shelter is meeting a goal (FSU, 2011) The service learning project has meet all six of the learning objectives listed.
Recommendations Participating in volunteer work at Bay Area Women’s Center is a wonderful experience that will assist nurses in understanding the vulnerable population that we see on a daily basis. If you would like to volunteer, please contact: Shelley Ramos BAWC Volunteer manager 3411 E. Midland St. Bay City, MI 48706 989-686-4551 There are sexual assault and domestic violence shelters in every area of the nation. Unfortunately there is a great need for these shelters and staffing is remains difficult because of the funding. I would highly recommend volunteering at this shelter or any in your area. It is a wonderful feeling to give back to your community, because you never know when you or someone you know may need there services.
References Bay Area Women’s Center (BAWC). (2015). Programs and services. Retrieved from: Ferris State University (FSU). (2011). BSN Program Outcomes. Retrieved from