A story of exploitation The Coffee Trade A story of exploitation
Coffee Growing Countries Brazil Mexico El Salvador Honduras Columbia Kenya Ethiopia Congo Tanzania Uganda Madagascar Yemen Venezuela Costa Rica Cameroon India Vietnam Indonesia Guatemala Zimbabwe Ivory Coast Ecuador Nicaragua
Stages in Coffee Production Coffee plants cannot be exposed to frost They grow where the average annual temperature is 21°C They grow best in altitudes between 1,00o-1,500 metres Coffee trees grow best in some shade, usually the shade of another tree
When the berries turn red, they are harvested. This creates a lot of temporary employment as pickers are payed by the basket Over 20 million people are employed in coffee industry throughout the world
Inside the coffee cherry are two beans with a light paper like coating These are dried out in the sun
Once the layer is taken off the dry bean, the brown coffee bean is revealed The familiar brown coffee beans are now graded for quality. Lesser quality beans will be used for instant coffee
Coffee bought in South America for $50 can amount to $15,000 in coffee shops
The processing of beans into powder and granules and the packaging of the finished product occurs in the “North” Only 5% of the “South’s” coffee is exported fully processed
3rd World’s Cut Growers 8% Exporters 10% 1st World’s Cut Shipping &Roasters 57% Sellers 25%