FINAL DOCUMENT CS490K: Internet of Things (Fall 2017) 강혁규, Alexandre Dubois, Martin Bois
SUMMARY General Architecture Device Design Mobile Application Design Cloud Design Project Status
General Architecture ES Connects using Bluetooth to the smartphone Get the number of glasses set on the smartphone Configure number of glasses Enter user’s characteristics and compute a number of glasses - Set a timer Stores the data on two tables : User Table Consumption Table
6 DOF Sensor – MPU6050 Calculate degree of angle with: 3-axis of gyroscope 3-axis of accelerometer MPU6050-raspberrypi Python module for accessing the MPU-6050 sensor data on a Raspberry pi
6 DOF Sensor – MPU6050
Raspberry Design Raspberry pi: Get maximum shots from the app (via Bluetooth) Read data from sensor. Determine if person is drinking. Change the color of LED. The glass vibrates if the amount exceeds.
AWS Mobile SDK for Android Application Design AWS Mobile SDK for Android
Application Design 4 Activities/Layouts : Tab Activity >> Manages the differents tabs Set Up Activity >> Computes and suggests the amount of glasses you can drink Checking Activity >> Set a timer and an amount of glasses Overall Data Activity >> Compares your today consumption with your previous consumption
Application Design This is the first activity, where you can simulate the amount of drinks you can get.
Application Design 𝑊𝐸𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇 𝐻𝐸𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇² =𝐵𝑀𝐼 The algorithm is based on the calculation of the Body Mass Index, which is the Weight divided by the squared Height. It gives a pretty good estimation because depending on your BMI, you will be allowed to drink more or less. For example, a underweighted person should drink less than a Normal Weight.
Application Design 𝑊𝐸𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇 𝐻𝐸𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇² =𝐵𝑀𝐼 Other parameters In addition there are other parameters like the gender or the type of drink. Indeed, the female BMI scale is slightly different. Furthermore, the type of drink is really important, because a glass of vodka doesn’t have the same alcohol rate than a glass of beer. Other parameters
Application Design The next tab is the one where you can : Set a timer – Set an amount of glasses – Check your number of glasses
Application Design You can see the previous consumption and locate your current one. Once you set an amount, the today data will appear on a graph of your previous consumption. You can compare it and see if you are on the average, or below of your usual consumption.
Application Design Notifications Our application can also send notifications : when the time is over, it allows the user to reset his glass. In addition, toasts messages were added to deal with exceptions like when the user doesn’t fill the form properly.
Cloud Design Data to store in the Cloud : Why using AWS Users data Consumption Data Why using AWS Simple and very fast Databases Powerful Android SDK Possibility to manage users All those data are sent to the cloud…
Cloud Design IAM Cognito Our two databases : -ConsoTable -UserTable Give Cognito Unauthentified users Access to DynamoDB databases Give the possibility to Create users
Cloud Design Code Integration DynamoDB Two mapper classes Indicate names of Table, HashKey and Attributes
Cloud Design Code Integration Cognito One Manager Class Give all the cloud required info to the DynamoDB Mapper
Cloud Design Online Table : UserTable
Cloud Design Online Table : ConsoTable
Now, time for a demo