Macbeth Essay reflection for 5% back on the essay-~Goes in as 5 out of 0~ Due Friday January 11th Look at the rubric, your score, and your comments from me in terms of your feedback. Using your feedback, craft a 1 page (double spaced, size 12, Times New Roman font) written reflection carefully thinking about the following and how you can use the following to improve on your essay next semester: 1. Rubric comments (circled aspects on the rubric) 2. Written feedback within the essay 3. What your process was like throughout the duration of the Macbeth unit and the writing of the essay itself (during Macbeth reading in class, the writing process in class, use of work time, etc). THIS IS NOT AN INVITATION TO ARGUE ABOUT YOUR GRADE. YOUR GRADE IS WHAT YOU HAVE EARNED. This is an invitation to reflect on your process and benefit from the feedback so you can continue to improve your writing skills. I just need a hard copy printed out, stapled to the front of your essay, and brought to me in class Friday, January 11th.