US Educational Finances New York – Ohio – Pennsylvania 2013 to 2016 Toby Trotta DSCI 101
Data Source US Educational Finances – Revenues and expenditures for U.S. grade schools, by year and state Roy Garrard Retrieved 9/20/2018, Updated ~ 3 months ago
Enrollment’s Correlation to Revenue and Expenditures Which aspects influence revenue and expenditures? State Year Enrollment
Total Unused File Sizes: Files Not Accessed/Unknown states.csv districts.csv school15doc.pdf (Data descriptions) PY Files naep.csv – test scores NDE – Compressed (zipped) Folder elsect – Compressed (zipped) Folder requirements.txt – random Could be used for further analysis: To compare test scores with revenue/expenditures and if they are statistically significant Total Used File Sizes: 12,552 KB Total Unused File Sizes: 73,514 KB
Revenue Field Three Fields: Federal Revenue Total Revenue from Federal Sources Compensatory, Children with Disabilities, Child Nutrition Act State Revenue Total Revenue from State Sources General formula assistance, Special education programs, Transportation Local Revenue Total Revenue from Local Sources Taxes, Parent government contributions, Property taxes
Expenditure Field Four Fields Instruction Expenditure Total Current Spending for Instruction Salaries and wages for instruction, Employee benefits Support Services Expenditure Total Current Spending for Support Services Pupil support, Instructional staff, General & School Administration Capital Outlay Expenditure Total Capital Outlay Expenditure Outside payments, assumed also to be plant, property, and equipment Other Expenditure Not specified
Data Cleaning Initial states.csv included 4,489,932 cells 374,161 x 12 [Every School District – 50 States, 1992-2016] x [Categories: Revenue/Expenditure Fields, including totals] Narrowed down: New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania 95,516 cells Using Totals > 120 cells END OF SLIDE: Introduce Enrollments
*All values in Millions New York 2013 2.630 2014 2.619 2015 2.632 2016 2.591 Ohio 1.614 1.602 1.600 1.595 Pennsylvania 1.624 1.605 1.589 1.573 Enrollment *All values in Millions New York Highest Average – 2.618 million Ohio – 1.603 million Pennsylvania – 1.598 million
New York Revenue Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of Dollars Y – axis: 40 million / 5 Million New York Revenue Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of Dollars Local Revenue obviously is the highest Federal Revenue (Covering Children with Disabilities + Nutrition Act) is the lowest – Nutrition Act, assumedly the amount is just to uphold a certain standard
New York Expenditure Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of Dollars Y – axis: 50 million / 5 Million New York Expenditure Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of Dollars Instructional Expenditure is the highest Other, (unknown) is lowest Focus on Capital Outlay: Not as many investments: building, property
New York School Profit/Loss *All amounts are in millions of dollars Y – axis: 80 million / 10 Million New York School Profit/Loss *All amounts are in millions of dollars Each year’s loss increased, no bueno
OHIO REVENUE BREAKDOWN *ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Y – axis: 40 million / 5 Million OHIO REVENUE BREAKDOWN *ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS So short is in comparison/identical scale to New York ^ 1/3 the size of New York
Ohio Expenditure Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of dollars Y – axis: 50 million / 5 Million Ohio Expenditure Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of dollars ¼ Size of New York, where the enrollment is only averaged 1 million less per year
Ohio School Profit/Loss *All amounts are In millions of dollars Y – axis: 80 million / 10 Million Ohio School Profit/Loss *All amounts are In millions of dollars Each year resulted in a profit Are there rules in the Ohio school board that encourage schools to at least control their finances to break-even?
Pennsylvania Revenue Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of dollars Y – axis: 40 million / 5 Million Pennsylvania Revenue Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of dollars Ohio’s average population was slightly higher than Pennsylvania, but Pennsylvania’s revenue were higher Higher taxes? More state support?
Y – axis: 50 million / 5 Million Pennsylvania Expenditure Breakdown *All amounts are in millions of Dollars Ohio’s average population was slightly higher than Pennsylvania, but Pennsylvania’s expenses were higher Higher teacher salaries?
Y – axis: 80 million / 10 Million Pennsylvania School Profit/Loss *All amounts are In millions of dollars Minimal loss and profit per year, possible PA goal is to keep educational finances at break-even points
Enrollment Correlations Enrollment Revenue Expenditures New York 2.630 59.624 60.506 2.619 61.337 62.556 2.632 63.712 65.095 2.591 66.913 68.282 Ohio 1.614 22.537 22.016 1.602 23.298 21.848 1.600 24.379 22.562 1.595 23.767 23.353 Pennsylvania 1.624 28.485 28.495 1.605 29.068 28.621 1.589 29.967 29.691 1.573 31.077 30.925 *Amounts are in millions/Millions of Dollars First look at New York
State Correlations Legend is true for each graph Ohio and Pennsylvania had made a profit most of the years, if not all New York did not maintain a profit. !!! None of these graphs make sense: The lower the enrollment, the higher revenue & expenditures. Assume it would be the other way around The higher the enrollment, the lower the revenue & expenditures Why is that?