The Battle of Bunker Hill The Battle of Trenton Declaration of Independence
Placed a tax on basic goods like glass, lead, paint, tea, etc. A part of this act was the Quartering act, which forced colonist to house British Soldiers. Taxed every piece of printed paper including playing cards and legal documents. After this act was passed, the colonists protested with the battle cry, “No taxation without representation!” War between the French and Native Americans against Great Britain. Both claimed control over Ohio River Valley because of it’s rich soil and resources. Great Britain won the war. These Acts were passed in order to punish the colonists after the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Harbor was closed and would not open again until all lost tea was paid for. The Sons of Liberty dressed up like Mohawk Indians and dumped 10,000 lbs. of tea into the Boston Harbor. This was an example of Civil Disobedience and was done to protest the Tea Act. A group of Colonists and Redcoats got into a fight. 5 colonists were killed when Redcoats began firing . The Sons of Liberty gave this event the name to gain support throughout the colonies.
Declaration of Independence The first major battle of war was fought on a hill outside of Boston. The Militia was able to kill many Redcoats until they ran out of ammo. The British saw that the war would not be so easy to win again the colonies. The Americans did not win, but gained confidence in their chances against the British British troops marched to these two towns looking to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock. They also heard that the Militia was hiding weapons and they wanted to take control of them. The “Shot Heard Round the World” was fired here that started the American Revolution. A meeting in Philadelphia were colonial leaders met and sent a petition to King George III, reminding him of the colonials basic rights. They voted to stop trade with Great Britain. And also asked the colonies to begin to form Militias. George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River Christmas night to take the Hessians by surprise. The battle lasted 1 hour and the Hessians surrendered. Gave the Continental Army Confidence in George Washington. A document created by the Second Continental Congress and written by Thomas Jefferson stating that the colonies are no longer part of Great Britain and they are not free and independent from his rule. This man is famous for notifying the colonists outside of Boston that the British were coming and that they need to be ready with their weapons. A poem was written about this man and made him a national hero. The Battle of Trenton Declaration of Independence