212 Gore Hall 302-831-2027 CTAL-info@udel.edu http://ctal.udel.edu/ Introduction to Center for Teaching & Assessment of Learning (CTAL) resources 212 Gore Hall 302-831-2027 CTAL-info@udel.edu http://ctal.udel.edu/
Who we are
ALL who teach UD students! Who we serve ALL who teach UD students!
Our Services On-site workshops tailored to your needs Confidential consultations: Strategies and solutions for teaching effectively and efficiently Course design Documenting your teaching Assessing and documenting student learning. Grants and grant writing feedback Contact us to make an appointment: CTAL-info@udel.edu
Resources: Thumbdrive This fall CTAL has mailed thumbdrives to all contingent faculty at the University of Delaware campuses to demonstrate our commitment to supporting all UD educators. The contents are also available online at http://ctal.udel.edu/enhancing-teaching/teaching-resources/ Contents: Articles about the first day of class Books on the science of learning and course design Links to resources about teaching and learning on our site and across the University
Syllabus Template: http://www.udel.edu/003226 GoogleApps @ UDel.edu Once logged in, go to the File Menu, and click Make a copy… Rename the document using your course identifier, and click Copy. Your browser will take you to your personal copy of the template, ready for editing. Make sure to delete the instructions after you have made your modifications. When your syllabus is ready, either share it with your students as a native Google Doc (view only) or use File > Download as… > Microsoft Word (.docx) or PDF document (.pdf) to provide it to your students.
FIRST FRIDAY ROUNDTABLES TA TEACHING AND LEARNING CONVERSATIONS CTAL Events: Fall 2017 FIRST FRIDAY ROUNDTABLES TA TEACHING AND LEARNING CONVERSATIONS 3:30-5:00pm in 208 Gore Hall Creating a Classroom Community Sept.8th How do I help undergraduate students be successful at UD. Oct. 6th Why don’t they do the reading? Nov. 3rd 12:30-1:30 in the Faculty Commons (116 Pearson Hall) Managing Expectations Mon., Sept. 11th Issues of Authority Mon., Oct. 9th Dealing with Conflict Mon. Nov. 13th
Teaching Freshman Series Sessions will be held Sept. 13, Sept. 27 and Oct. 11 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Faculty Commons (116 Pearson Hall). These sessions are capped at 20 people. At the end of this series, participants will: understand the cognitive principles that contribute to the challenges that first year students experience as part of their psychological development and emotional growth; orient their students to the manner of assessment in their courses; employ strategies to solicit feedback from and offer feedback to their students in manner that supports learning most effectively; and set conditions in the classroom that are most conducive to student success, affirmation and participation.
Contact: CTAL-info@udel.edu How can we help you? Contact: CTAL-info@udel.edu