World History: Unit 4, Chapter 12, Section 1 World War I: The Great War Begins
Main Idea Europe in 1914 was on the brink of war. After an assassination, the nations of Europe were drawn one by one into what would be called the Great War, or World War I
Europe on the Brink of War 1914: 4 causes of World War I: Militarism: European nations engage in a massive military buildup Alliances: European countries form partnerships to protect themselves Imperialism: Rival empires seek to keep power Nationalism: People feel loyalty and devotion to their country or culture
War Breaks Out The Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand visited the Bosnian city of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. He and his wife Sophie were killed by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the “Black Hand” terrorist group. A-H declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914 Russia, with many Slavic people, had vowed to support the Serbs in A-H An A-H ally, Germany, saw this action as a threat, and declared war on Russia and its ally France
Fighting Begins Schlieffen Plan: with a war on 2 fronts, against Russia in east and France in west, Germany planned to quickly defeat France in the west, then head east to fight Russia
Fighting Begins (continued) Germany first attacks Belgium, a neutral country on its way to France Great Britain declares war on Germany due to this Main players were now in place: Central Powers: Germany and Austria-Hungary Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia, Serbia
Fighting in 1914 By 1914 the Great War had become a bloody stalemate Early battles: Battle of the Frontiers-heavy losses on both sides resulting in a German victory, Battle of Tannenberg-Germany crushed a Russian invasion Trench warfare begins: Sept. 1914-Batte of the Marne-Allies drove Germans back, and they dug a series of trenches along the Aisne (AYN) River, which allowed the Germans to fight back The Allies soon dug their own trenches, and the deadlocked region in northern France became known as the Western Front
Writing Focus Analyze the 4 causes of World War I and explain why these factors led to this first World conflict.