FIGHTING 4 INDEPENDENCE In America today we have equal right and freedom with everybody in the USA. Kyla Chase Webb and Helena Burnett
Survey Do you believe that black American should fight against getting independence? If you are in a fight and there are 16 people fighting against your 8 people , will you defend yourself or let somebody harm you? What would you do if you couldn’t get no voice or tell how you feel, what would you do?
Were Americans Justified in Fighting for Independence?
Fighting for Independence ! The Declaration of Independence started in 1776 after the American war from 1775 to 1783. Before the declaration of independence began, we were force with multiply acts. Also Americans fought for multiple reasons. A lot of wars occurred and laws were being passed; such as the Bill of Rights. These rights were written to give people independence. Not just black’s colonies but white also, were voting for equal rights.
Primary Source-The Declaration of Independence
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE The Declaration was written as a formal and legal document that told people the reason that lead to the separation of the 13 colonies. It states how: King George was a cruel person when it came to colonists and the rules that they should have. The Stamp Act and the Townshend Act gave colonies no voice to speak in public for their rights. Instead, it created more problems to work with in their life. The Townshend Act created a tax on goods the colonist imported, such as paper, red and white lead, glass, paints, and tea shipped from England. Britain had the power over colonies and King George was not going well for Britain in the war with the U.S “deriving their power from the consent for the governed”, which Thomas Jefferson wrote for us Americans. If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have independence today. That’s is why we celebrate July 4th every year with fireworks and happiness.
Do you know who helped us gain Independence? President Lincoln I'm 1863, president Lincoln singed the Emancipate Proclamation on January 1, 1863 as the nation approached it third year of bloody civil war. He want us to become free. He didn’t think that it was fair for blacks to be treated cruel and to be beaten to death. Lincoln's childhood was rough.. He later admitted that this gave him more satisfaction then any election here had ever won. This is one of the reasons why he signed the proclamation. The Emancipate Proclamation declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.”
We did it ! As we know congress had to vote on getting independent. African American's wanted equal rights. In 1776, the colonies had declared independence from the great Britain's. This is why we have independence now? The U.S became independent in 1783, because the colonies had passed the Constitution such as; Amendment 1-4. They all explain how blacks should have freedom and should be able to do as they wish. So the colonies passed these laws and had to vote on them. We can say that Americans independence achieved European power with recognized independence of the U.S with mixed resulted for the other nations that were involved. As we know in our experience we have to protest for rights and freedom that will affect us in the U.S today.
Conclusion In a conclusion today the colonists were justified in fighting for independence. As a result, Blacks and Whites have the same equal rights. We believe that our ancestors fought hard for our freedom that we now have. Freedom and Voice took us a long way though history. We will like to thanks President Lincoln. We will also like to thanks everyone here today for your patient and time to listen to our colloquium.