CHAPTER 27 Industrial Relations 07/04/2019 This is the Title Slide R. DELANEY
R. Delaney Industrial Relations Industrial relations is the term used to describe the relationship between management and workers in a firm. Workers are normally represented in industrial relations by a trade union. Management is usually represented by the human resources manager.
Trade Unions and Their Functions R. Delaney Trade Unions and Their Functions A trade union is an organisation of workers set up to protect and improve their conditions of employment. Functions of a trade union To protect the members’ jobs To improve members’ working conditions To secure pay increases for members To represent workers in an industrial dispute “Workers Unite”
Different Types of Trade Unions R. Delaney Different Types of Trade Unions 1. Craft trade unions, e.g. TEEU 2. Industrial Trade Unions, e.g. ESBOA 3. General Trade Unions, e.g. SIPTU 4. White Collar Trade Unions, e.g. ASTI
R. Delaney Shop Steward A shop steward is a worker elected by fellow workers to represent the trade union in the work place. Functions of A Shop Steward To recruit new members to the union To organise the collection of union dues To represent the workers in talks with management To ensure that all agreements between management and unions are honoured “The newly elected shop steward”
Irish Congress of Trade Unions R. Delaney Irish Congress of Trade Unions The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) is a representative body for most trade unions in Ireland. The role of ICTU in industrial relations is: To negotiate national wage agreements with the government and employers on behalf of trade unions. To help to resolve disputes between unions and employers. To help to resolve inter-union disputes.
Irish Business and Employers Confederation R. Delaney Irish Business and Employers Confederation The Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC) is a representative body that promotes the interests of businesses and employers in Ireland. The role of IBEC in industrial relations is: To negotiate national wage agreements with the government and trade unions on behalf of employers. To give advice to employers concerning their rights and obligations in industrial disputes. To represent employers on Labour Court Committees.
Common Causes of Industrial Disputes R. Delaney Common Causes of Industrial Disputes Disputes about wages and conditions of employment Demarcation disputes Disputes arising from redundancy policy Disputes arising from dismissal of workers Disputes arising from promotional procedures
Procedures for Resolving Disputes R. Delaney Procedures for Resolving Disputes Workers discuss their problem with their supervisors. A shop steward discusses the problem with human resources manager. Union official from the trade union enters discussions with management. A third party provides a conciliation service. Both sides agree to appoint an arbitrator If all of this fails ------industrial action
Forms of Industrial Action R. Delaney Forms of Industrial Action Official Strike All-out-strike Unofficial strike Wild-cat or lightning strike Work to rule
Institutions Involved In Industrial Relations (1) R. Delaney Institutions Involved In Industrial Relations (1) The Labour Relations Commission (LRC): Was set up in 1990 to improve industrial relations and to help settle industrial disputes. Equality Officers: These are appointed to provide a conciliation service to ensure that employees are not discriminated against because of their race, religion or gender. Rights Commissioners: These are appointed to provide an informal and quick resolution to disputes between individual employees and employers on any issues other than equality.
Institutions Involved In Industrial Relations (2) R. Delaney Institutions Involved In Industrial Relations (2) The Labour Court: This is a tribunal used to attempt to resolve disputes that could not be resolved by the Labour Relations Commission. The Employment Appeals Tribunal: This is an independent body that deals with disputes where employees think their employment rights have been infringed in areas such as redundancies, alleged unfair dismissals and maternity leave.