Chapter VI Column 2
Coquere Meaning: To cook Part of Speech: Verb (infinitive!) Derivatives: coquille
Mox Meaning: Soon Part of Speech: Adverb
Strenue Meaning: Strenuously, Hard Part of Speech: Adverb Derivatives:
Aqua Meaning: Water Part of Speech: Noun Derivatives: Aquatic aquarium
Portant Meaning: They carry Part of Speech: Verb (Plural!) Derivatives: portable transport report deport
Reprehendit Meaning: He, she scolds, blames Part of Speech: Verb Derivatives: reprehensible
Docet Meaning: He, she teaches Part of Speech: Verb Derivatives: Docent docile
Curare Meaning: To take care of Part of Speech: Verb (Infinitive!) Derivatives: curator
Lanam trahunt
They spin wool Part of Speech: Verb Derivatives: Tractible (plural) Lanolin
Omnia quae Meaning: everything that Part of Speech: noun
To help Part of Speech: Verb (Infinitive!) Derivatives: adjuvant
Ipsa Meaning: she herself Part of Speech: pronoun (reflexive)
Nunc Meaning: Now Part of Speech: Adverb
Necesse est Meaning: It is necessary Part of Speech: linking verb/predicate adjective