Bell Ringers – 2018-2019 – week 1 A daily skill builder
power word - facilitate Step 3: Create Sentences and Highlight the Context Clues Step 2: Part(s) of Speech Step One: Definition(s) 1. To make easier or less difficult; help forward (an action, a process, etc. ; to assist the progress of (a person) 2. Verb – used with object (facilitate who/what?) 3. Stretching well before exercising facilitates the muscles. Thinking and planning first facilitates writing. Listening in class and studying facilitates test taking. The teacher can facilitate the student by answering his or her questions.
Rootuesday procedure ambi Definition: both, around Write the new Latin root on the tree trunk. Look up the meaning of the root. Record it in the box below the tree. Look for words that include the root. Choose six that you don’t know. On each section of the tree, write a word, its part of speech, and its definition. Choose three of the new words. In the box below the tree, write a sentence for each. Highlight the context clue. ambi Definition: both, around
Rootuesday- continued procedure Ambidextrous - adj Meaning: able to use both hands Ambiguity - n Meaning: uncertainty in multiple meaning words Write the new Latin root on the tree trunk. Look up the meaning of the root. Record it in the box below the tree. Look for words that include the root. Choose six that you don’t know. On each section of the tree, write a word, its part of speech, and its definition. Choose three of the new words. In the box below the tree, write a sentence for each. Highlight the context clue. Ambiance - n Meaning: the surrounding atmosphere ambivalent - adj Meaning: repelled and attracted at the same time; being unable to choose between two courses of action Ambiparous - adj Meaning: having both leaves and flowers Ambilateral - adj Meaning: affecting both sides of the body or of an organ
Rootuesday- continued procedure ambiparous – Roses are ambiparous since they not only have green leaves but also have beautiful blooms. Write the new Latin root on the tree trunk. Look up the meaning of the root. Record it in the box below the tree. Look for words that include the root. Choose six that you don’t know. On each section of the tree, write a word, its part of speech, and its definition. Choose three of the new words. In the box below the tree, write a sentence for each. Highlight the context clue. ambidextrous – I am not ambidextrous. Right hand writing is clear, but I can’t form letters when I write with my left hand. ambiance – Students hopefully feel welcome in my classroom. I try to convey a friendly ambiance when I smile continually.
Write it right Wednesday This week’s skill – Comma in a compound sentence Explanation: When Two sentences are combined into one, a comma is placed before them along with a coordinate conjunction. 1. write two small sentences that are connected in meaning. 2. Then, choose a conjunction that makes sense to connect the two small sentences. Remember the FANboys: F – for, A – and, N – nor, B – But, O – or, Y – Yet, S – so 3. If there are two complete sentences with a conjunction in between, a comma must be placed before the conjunction.
write it right Wednesday Step 3: Practice Using the Skill and Create Your Own Sentences Step 2: Listen to the Lesson Step One: List the Skill 1. Comma in a Compound Sentence 2. 3. Susie should go to bed, but she wants to watch more tv. I want to go to Alaska, so I have much planning to do. I have many books at home, for I love to read. The classroom has an educational ambiance, and it facilitates the learning.
Throwback Thursday This week’s skill – Apostrophe in a contraction Explanation: When two words are combined into one, a contraction is formed. As those two words combine, some letters are forced out. Where the letters are removed, an apostrophe is placed. -E.g. – Can + Not + can’t -E.g. – I + will = I’ll -E.g. – we + would = we’d
throwback Thursday 1. Apostrophe in a Contraction 2. 3. Sam wished he’d have heard the directions to facilitate completing the assignment. Louisa couldn’t understand the message since it was too ambiguous. I didn’t want to go to the grocery store. Step 3: Practice Using the Skill and Create Your Own Sentences Step 2: Listen to the Lesson Step One: List the Skill
Fix-it Friday This week’s skill – Using the Right Coordinate conjunction Explanation: Not every conjunction fits every sentence. Think about how the two sentences fit together, and choose the best conjunction for the job! F – For – used as a substitute for because A – and – used to connect similar items or show continuation N – nor – used to show a negative choice – often used with neither B – but – used to connect the opposite or different idea O – or – used to show a choice – often used with either Y – yet – used to connect the opposite or different idea S – so – used to continue an idea or show a result
fix-it Friday Using the Best Coordinate Conjunction 2. Connect two sentences with a conjunction (FANBOYS). Pic the conjunction based on how it will connect the two ideas – similar, different, choice, effect, etc. 3. Bob asked the teacher, for he needed to understand the idea. He is ambidextrous, but his right hand is dominant. I can’t facilitate her project, so I will find someone who can. We had four years of Spanish, yet we remember very little. Step 3: Practice Using the Skill and Create Your Own Sentences Step 2: Write It in Your Own Words Step One: List the Skill
Making meaning Monday 1. there- adverb – names a place or point; pronoun – an expletive that starts a sentence and is followed by a verb. - He shouldn’t put his book there. -There hasn’t been any rain this week. 2. Their – possessive pronoun/adjective – shows ownership - The word “their” is ambiguous. No one knows to whom it refers. -Their house has a pleasant ambiance. 3. they’re – pronoun + verb – a contraction for they are or they were - They’re having difficulty walking on the ice, so they need to help each other. Step 3: Practice Using the Skill and Create Your Own Sentences Step 2: Write the Part(s) of Speech and Definition(s) Step One: Write the Word
Test it tuesday