Introduction to NHSScotland
Learning intentions You will learn some facts about NHSScotland You will learn about different job roles available in NHSScotland You will find out some of the skills which can help you get a job in NHSScotland Learning intentions
Success Criteria You understand some facts about NHSScotland You can identify a number of different NHSScotland job roles You recognise that you have skills which can help you get a job in NHSScotland Success Criteria
NHSScotland is the organisation that provides healthcare for the people of Scotland. NHS stands for 'National Health Service'. NHSScotland runs most of the hospitals and health centres in Scotland. NHSScotland is the largest employer in Scotland.
People who work in NHSScotland make a difference to people's lives get great job satisfaction can develop their careers have an agreed pay scale
DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO WORKS IN NHSSCOTLAND? What job does this person do?
Do you know someone whose life has been made better by NHSScotland?
The answer is on the next slide! Question 1 How many people work in the NHS in Scotland? around 1,650 around 60,000 around 165,000 The answer is on the next slide!
Correct answer: around 165,000
The answer is on the next slide! Question 2 Can you enter a job or apprenticeship with NHSScotland straight from school? Yes or No The answer is on the next slide!
Correct answer: Yes
The answer is on the next slide! Question 3 How many job roles are there in NHSScotland? over 100 over 200 over 300 The answer is on the next slide!
Correct answer: over 300
The answer is on the next slide! Question 4 Name ONE job in NHSScotland (you could say doctor or nurse, but what other jobs are there?)… The answer is on the next slide!
And finally… Do you enjoy problem solving? Do you enjoy working in a team? Are you creative? Do you want to make a difference in people’s lives? Do you want a rewarding job in the future?
LEARNING INTENTIONS FOR NEXT LESSON You will find out about NHSScotland You will find out what career with NHSScotland would best suit you
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