Tyler Garrett Click here to continue
On each slide there will be a flag. There will be a word/words in the flag and you have to define what they mean. There will be two circles and there will be words in them. Click on the circle that you think is correct. If you are wrong you will have a chance to try again. If you are incorrect you click the arrow that says try again. If you are correct you click the arrow that says keep going. Lets get started!!!
Define the word: el agua The water The star or
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Define the word: pasear The circleTo walk or
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Define the word: beber The arrowTo drink
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Define the sentence: Mr. Snodgrass le gusta comer el helado. Mr. Snodgrass likes to eat ice cream. Mr. Snodgrass doesnt like food.
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Define the phrase: Me gusta pasar un rato con los amigos I like hanging out with friends. I dont like hanging out with my friends.
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Define the sentence: Soy de republican. I am a republican. I am not a republican.
Boo! Click here to try again.
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Define the sentence: Me gusta nadar. I like to swim. I do not like water.
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Define the phrase: Alquilar un DVD To rent a DVD To watch TV
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Define the phrase: andar en patineta To rollerblade To wash the dishes
Awesome!!! Keep going!!!
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Define the phrase: How is your dog?How are you? ? Como estas?
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Define the word: comer To eat popcornTo eat
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Define the word: correr To runTo walk
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Define the phrase: jugar al balencesto To play basketball To play football
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Define the word: jugar al béisbol To play baseball To play soccer
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One more question!
Define the word: ambicioso AmbitiousAtnibiotic
Nope, try again!!!