Health Capital Technical Topics MOHLTC Orientation to the Community Health Capital Programs Policy Operational Framework – Part II – Module 4 (B) Thank you for joining us today for the second of 2 education sessions on the Operational Framework of the Community Health Capital Programs Policy, otherwise known as the CHCP policy
Agenda In Module 4 (B) we will create a scenario for the Green Valley Wellness Centre, a Mental Health counselling centre (MH&A) to show how the organization would explore a current site expansion as part of the site search in the Stage 2 Business Case
Learning Objectives & Prerequisites To understand this module staff will have reviewed Module 4, Part II of this learning series and understands How the BC_7_Site Survey summary worksheets links to the site search survey worksheets The site selection review and approval process Learning Objectives At the end of Module 4 (B) participants will understand: The process for exploring current site options How to complete the Current Site Survey worksheets
Learning Scenario In this Scenario, Green Valley Wellness Centre owns its current site which is 7,000 sq ft in size The LHIN wants to move 2 programs with all staff and operational funding from other Mental Health and Addictions organization and create one multi-service with Green Valley operating from one location There is also one partner organization that is not eligible for ministry funding that wants to co-locate with this group and will bring capital funding to the project The approved space requirement for all new programs plus existing programs plus the partner group equals 10,000 sq ft There is property next door to Green Valley available for purchase, so the CHC has an option to explore that would allow them to expand their current space and stay in their current location
Current Site Search Process Those Lead Organizations with an existing site that have been approved at BC_6_Space Requests for more space than their current site has available may explore options (where possible) to expand their existing site to incorporate new leased or purchased space to meet the new space allocation In accordance with the CHCP Operational Framework, the CHC will explore the current site expansion option while concurrently exploring lease site options If a suitable lease site is identified, the final recommendation and ministry decision will be based on whether the lease site or current site options scores higher in the criteria scoring and the costs of each of the options
BC_7_Site Search Worksheet and Process Overview The Site Search summary worksheet will work the same for a current site search as for a lease or purchase site search Key information from each current site search will be shown on the BC_7_Site Search Worksheet so that these options can be compared with that of the lease site search results.
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Options For owned sites that need to expand options may include: Additions (new construction) to the existing structure on currently owned land Demolition of the existing structure (all or part) and new construction of a structure on currently owned land Purchase of adjacent land for expansion and the construction of an additional structure For leased space that need to expand options may include: Fit out of shelled in space within current leased space Lease of adjacent space for fit out
Current Site Search Worksheet: Exploring Options The Current Space Survey worksheet is designed to accommodate all possible options and cost out each of these options for comparative purposes The Lead Organization is provided with three (3) Current Space Survey worksheets in the Toolkit workbook so that they may explore up to three options Additional survey worksheets can be made available on request
Completing Current Site Survey Worksheets The Green Valley obtains a copy of the CHCP Toolkit from the LHIN The only worksheet that they will see in the workbook is the Application Form. Blue Water CHC assigns a staff member to work with the staff to complete the form.
Current Site Option Scenario Example In this example, Green Valley Wellness Centre has an owned building of 7,000 sq. ft. on owned land at 123 Imaginary Lane Yellow River MH&A organization is operating from a leased site a few blocks away The Yellow River lease is expiring in 3 years Their LHIN wants to consolidate Yellow River services with Green Valley Wellness Centre services on one site Green Valley Wellness Centre will be the Lead Organization in the proposed project
Current Site Option Scenario Example: Space Requirement Green Valley Wellness Centre submitted an Application and the ministry has provided a planning grant In accordance with the CHCP policy, the organization has identified additional partners to add to the project The final space requirement for the project has been approved by the ministry. The space required is 15,525 sq. ft. for a built structure or 13,500 for a lease site (with gross up applied) Green Valley explores lease options in their geographic search area while also exploring options to expand their current site
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Exploring Expansion Options There is a piece of property available beside the current Green Valley site that is being used as a parking lot The option to be explored is to purchase this site and expand the existing Green Valley to enable the provision of approved Programs and Services Green Valley begins by completing the basic information section of the Current Site Survey Worksheet
Completing the Current Site Survey Worksheet: General Information The Lead Organization or their consultant resource begins by identifying who is completed the Current Site Survey worksheet. Once each survey is completed the date of completion is entered. The Lead Organization or their consultant resource then identify: The address The date of the review start
Completing the Current Site Survey Worksheet: Project Option(s) The expansion of an existing site may have several potential options This section provides the opportunity to choose the site option(s) that are specific to the expansion option being explored For this option the Green Valley identifies “Purchase of additional land (for new structure) Green Valley also notes that they are concurrently performing a lease site search
Completing the Current Site Survey Worksheet: Additional Information: Project Space The first row identifies the approved space for a build site (15,525 sq ft) Green Valley enters the current site size of 7,000 sq ft The project End State Total Space is displayed (7,000 sq ft before any additional space added) The variance between the approved space and end state space is displayed (8,525 sq ft)
Completing the Current Site Survey Worksheet: Additional Information: Project Space Green Valley now enters the proposed amount of new space to be built for the addition The proposed amount for the addition is 8,525 sq ft This will bring the total end project space up to the approved space of 15,525 sq ft.
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Additional Information: Project Costing Parameters Green Valley next completes the Project Parameters for Costing section This section details the square footage of every potential type of project work The new build portion is already displayed Since the current site will need some reconfiguration once joined to the addition, Green Valley completes this row noting that 1,000 sq ft will need to be fitted out.
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Additional Information: Project Costing Parameters Notes Notes on any additional costs noted in this section are documented in the text box provided The rationale for the additional 1,000 sq ft of renovations is noted in this section
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Additional Information: Preconditions There are 8 potential preconditions to be met for a current site search The worksheet will automatically display the relevant preconditions. In the Green Valley example only preconditions 1-4 and 6 apply since the remainder are relevant only to leased space expansions 1. Site is within defined search area 2. Zoning allows type of function (or rezoning is probable) 3. Any expansion space is available within approved MOHLTC timelines 4. For Additional Land for Purpose of New Build: Will the site allow for 5. The Total Length of Lease meets ministry minimum requirement(s) 6. Site is available within approved ministry timelines 7. The annual Lease Cost of the site can be managed by the Lead 8. Lease will not hold the organization responsible for maintenance of
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Site Review Criteria Green River proceeds to score this option using the Site Review Criteria This worksheet has the same 5 criteria as for the lease or purchase site survey worksheets. The sixth criteria compares the cost of the current site option to the cost of the external site search that is concurrently being explored (in this example – a lease site search)
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Site Review Criteria Since all the preconditions for this option have been met, Green River proceeds to identify whether a Technical Building Assessment or Environmental Assessment will be required (or both) In this example: Environmental Assessment is required for the land to be purchased Technical Building Assessment of the current structure is also required for two reasons: To assure the ministry that the building is not at end of life To ensure all costs of the renovation to the structure are known
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Site Review Reports Details of the evaluations and a summary of the results are documented in this section It becomes evident that the cost of the 1,000 sq ft renovations to the existing structure will be more expensive than initially anticipated due to the finding of asbestos insulation. This estimated cost of this work will need to be added to the Cost section
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Site Review Attestations Once the evaluations are completed Green River completes this section confirming that all relevant elements have been assessed and costs associated with any work have been estimated If this is not accurate, they would leave the appropriate boxes unchecked and add notes identifying what elements have not been investigated or cost for elements not estimated and why in the section below
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Costs and Lease Information With the site assessments completed, Green Valley proceeds to the Costs and Lease Information section of the worksheet The first information identified is the cost of the land ($850,000 dollars)
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Costs and Lease Information Cost Share This section displays the cost share information for these costs If there had been any lease cost associated with land that cost would have been identified in the section provided
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Lease Cost Detailed Information If there had been any lease cost associated with land or additional space these costs would be identified is section 5.2 of the worksheet
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Lease Length Detailed Information If there had been any leasing of land or space in this expansion option, details of the lease length period and options for renewal and future additional expansion would be identified in this section Since this example does not include a lease, this section is left blank
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Construction and Renovation Costs Section 5.4 automatically displays the cost of construction based on ministry average cost per square foot for shelled in and fit out space This section also displays the cost share distribution of each cost row If there had been surplus space in excess of 1,000 sq ft in this expansion site option, the table would have: Provided a drop down to enable the lead organization to decide whether to shell in or fit out the surplus space Displayed the own funds cost of the surplus space
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Construction and Renovation Cost Notes There is a text box provided for any notes associated with the costs Generally notes will be associated with decisions on how to manage surplus space
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Additional Costs The final section to be completed is the identification of any additional project costs identified during the building or environmental assessments As with the lease and purchase survey worksheet, this section captures Project Atypical costs: These are costs outside of the ministry average construction/renovation cost per square foot. Site Structure One-Time Costs: These are costs for deficiencies that should have been corrected by the owner prior to sale. The worksheet has 2 sections to itemize those costs that will be passed on the to purchaser and those that the owner agrees to remedy as part of the purchase price
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Additional Costs Example In this example, the estimated cost of asbestos abatement and removing the asphalt from the site to be purchased are documented in this section The total cost for both these items is estimated at $80,000 dollars
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Additional Costs – Cost Share and Notes For each cost line, the worksheet calculates the cost share distribution For Own Funds costs, there is the ability for the Lead Organization to adjust the proportion of costs to be funded by the Lead and Partner Organizations When there are additional costs the notes field must be completed to identify the cost of each item In this example the costs of the asphalt removal ($15,000) and asbestos abatement ($65,000) are identified
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Preliminary Cost Estimate Now that all cost have been identified, the worksheet calculates the estimated total cost of this current site expansion option and the cost share distribution Once this estimate is complete, Criteria 6 will be updated and the final score for this site option will be calculated If this options is approved, the cost estimate will be further refined through the use of the BC_8_Cost Estimate worksheet
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Site Recommendation Once all current site options and the concurrent lease site surveys have been completed the BC_7_Site Search worksheet will be automatically updated with the results of all surveys The Lead Organization will: Recommend the highest scoring option Or if not, provide an explanation for the recommended site on the BC_7_Site Search Worksheet Email the CHCP Toolkit to the ministry for review
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Site Decision The ministry will: Review the recommended site in consultation with the Endorsing Organization Document the ministry site selection decision and directions on the BC_7_Site Search Worksheet and return the Toolkit workbook to the Lead Organization If the ministry approves the site recommended, the Lead Organization will be directed to proceed to BC_8_Cost Estimate
Current Site Survey Worksheet: Conclusion This brings us to the conclusion of this learning module All staff should now understand: When the Current Site worksheets are to be used How to complete these worksheets The Lead Organization, ministry and endorsing organization roles in the Current Site Selection process
Thank You Thank you for your participation in the CHCP Part II Operational Framework Learning series