Position Papers
Intro to Position Papers and General Structure Position Paper: A paper that all delegates write preceding your first committee session, this consists of three parts, Topic Background, Past International Action, and Country Policy. Basic Structure: One page, front and back, with one topic more or less filling up each side A header with the DELEGATE NAME(S), NATION, COUNCIL, AND SCHOOL Make your header super fancy with appropriate colors, national flags and/or seals, watermarks, or other official looking edits – it shows your chair you worked hard and makes your position paper stand out. The topic name clearly stated Three paragraphs per topic: The first paragraph should be an introduction to the topic from the perspective of your nation. The second paragraph should be an analysis of the topic from your country’s perspective. The third paragraph should be a discussion of solutions your nation is proposing to solve the problem. Remember to cite any opinions that are not your own or facts that are not common knowledge. If you have any references to cite, they should be entered as footnotes at the bottom of the page and in a bibliography at the end of the paper. represent the summarized, researched and representative view of your state on the particular issues your council is addressing. Remember, the guidelines for position papers may differ depending on the council you are in: check your background guide and email your chair in order to confirm the specific parameters of your position paper
Paragraph One Paragraph one is going to detail your topic background from your country’s point of view. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC FROM YOUR NATION’S PERSPECTIVE What is the history of the issue according to your nation? Why is this issue important? In a nutshell, how does your country overall view the issue and why do you think it is an important issue to talk about KEEP THIS SECTION SHORT AND TO THE POINT This is the shortest and least important section of the position paper.
Paragraph Two Analyze the topic from your country’s point of view What does your nation think about the topic? What has/hasn’t worked in the past? Most likely the longest part of the position paper Where you get to show off your research ability Make sure that any information used is cited accordingly Citations should be in a footnote at the bottom of the page All citations should be in a bibliography at the end of the paper
Paragraph Three Discuss solutions your nation is proposing to solve the problem What are your solutions? Why and how would they work? How will you implement these solutions? How will you solve any problems that might arise in implementing these solutions? Where you get to show off your creativity and problem solving Provides a starting point for your draft resolutions Be sure to adhere to your nation’s policies and views on the matter when thinking of solutions
Helpful Tips What To Do What NOT To Do READ THE BACKGROUND GUIDE OF YOUR TOPIC, it will generally outline what to look for when you research Use active voice Detail your solutions Try to opt for specific and distinct solutions, something that is not obvious Add national emblems/ flags/ header colors (Makes a good impression in NAIMUN) Keep the language concise and to the point Hint at the interactions that you may have with certain nations in committee What NOT To Do Flowery Language Vague statements (Ex: Russia plans to aid the underprivileged….HOW?) Only providing statistics/ facts without commenting on how it worsens the issue or affects the debated topic Forgetting Citations Using first-person pronouns (Ex: I believe? I think we should, etc.)
DUE: Thursday, February 14th before the first committee session NAIMUN Requirements DUE: Thursday, February 14th before the first committee session YOU WILL BE INELIGIBLE FOR AWARDS WITHOUT YOUR PAPER. BRING A HARD COPY ON FIRST DAY. Check your specific background guide to confirm how many papers you need to write E-mail your chair for any questions, don’t wait till the last minute to e-mail! Length: One page front and back, each side will have one topic Cite Sources: should be entered as footnotes at the bottom of the page and in a bibliography at the end of the paper Position Paper examples are on Naimun website under Model UN Toolbox Tab. Link: https://naimun.modelun.org/position-papers/
MOCK DEBATE #2 INFO https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zbOtPI3tkN7wDb30_zs8z8zLVDg1CjZIvFRw76hRtoU/edit?usp=sharing