Non Communicable Diseases
Non Communicable Diseases Diseases that are not transmitted by pathogen Many NCD are Chronic Diseases Diseases that are present either continuously or off and on over a long time Ex: Asthma
Causes Present at birth Develop due to lifestyle behaviors Develop from the effects of substances in the environment Cause unknown
Degenerative Diseases Diseases that cause further breakdown in body cells, tissues, and organs as they progress.
Page 477 Figure 18.1 Common Non Communicable Diseases
Present at Birth Physical/mental disabilities from birth defects Unknown Harmful substances in environment X- Ray Lifestyle behaviors of mom FAS ( Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)
No current cure for most birth defects or genetic disorders Sickle Cell. Down Syndrome No current cure for most birth defects or genetic disorders Some can be treated with meds/therapy/surgery
Lifestyle Behaviors Risk Factors Characteristics that increase a persons chance of developing a disease Heredity, age, gender, ethnic groups
Can Control Eating Habits Physical Activity Sleep T/D/A Foods high in fat or salt Physical Activity Sleep T/D/A Healthful lifestyle habits can decrease risk
Environment Chemical waste Certain construction materials Household cleaners Second hand smoke Improper waste disposal Radon Carbon monoxide