Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Requiring Urgent Intervention - Symptomatic) Community / GP Hospital Admission / A&E GP to call Hackney Diabetes Centre and send patient Centre with letter (and insulin/needles if needed) Confirm diabetes diagnosis with endocrine registrar / diabetologist Refer to retinal screening Assess patient at HDC & Initiate treatment as per NICE guidance for Type 2 DM Referral to Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN) Refer to EDDI & retinal screening Initial appt: Education, What is diabetes? What care to expect, Treatment initiation or review, Glucometer teaching if applicable Follow up appts by DSN: Hackney Diabetes Centre or community / GP clinic. NB. If on insulin or sulphonyurea follow up to be given within 1 week Refer to Diabetes Specialist Dietitian Insulin therapy: review prior to discharge Oral hypoglycaemic medication: follow up community / Outpatients Refer to EDDI or 1-2-1 dietitian if non-English speaking