UQR&I Information Session


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Presentation transcript:

UQR&I Information Session ARC DECRA 2018 UQR&I Information Session Nicole Thompson - Director, Research Management Office, UQR&I Kate Hellings - A/Manager, Sponsored Research (Fellowships), UQR&I 6 February 2017

Agenda UQ Performance in DECRA ARC DECRA Scheme Overview: Objectives and Criteria Funding Rules Key Section Tips Writing your DECRA D2 Statement DECRA Application Process Q&A Today is an opportunity to provide an overview of the DECRA scheme - key points in the Funding Rules for DECRA to commence in 2018, the application process and grant writing tips for key sections. Q&A period closing today’s session – burning questions, insights from UQR&I and based on the assessment process.

UQ Performance in DECRA (2012 – 2017) 19 awards for funding commencing in 2017 Cumulatively first in 2012-2017 163 DECRAs funded in total $59,659,876 total funds awarded 2012 2013 2014 Submitted Awarded Success Rate UQ 213 34 16.0% 132 30 22.7% 150 20.0% National 2159 277 12.8% 1281 200 15.6% 1468 13.6% 2015 2016 Submitted Awarded Success Rate UQ 133 23 17.3% 131 27 20.6% National 1394 200 14.3% 1220 16.4% 2017 Submitted Awarded Success Rate 112 19 16.96% 1197 200 16.71% Competitive scheme – only 200 awards per year; <20% national success rate. However, positive note - UQ has maintained an excellent track record – reflecting strength of applicants and excellent research environment UQ has maintained its position of 1st cumulatively across all rounds of the DECRA scheme: 163 awards compared with ANU’s 146 awards in 2nd place. For funding commencing in 2017, UQ awarded 19 DECRAs and $6.95 million. UQ’s DECRA success rate, at 16.96% is slightly ahead of the national average.

DECRA Scheme - Objectives Support excellent basic and applied research by early career researchers; Advance promising early career researchers and promote enhanced opportunities for diverse career pathways; Enable research and research training in high quality and supportive environments; Expand Australia’s knowledge base and research capability; and Enhance the scale and focus of research in the Science and Research Priorities. No changes to Objectives from previous round. Targeted at early career researchers to develop research independence within field. It is these objectives which aim to deliver the desired outcome for that funding body – these should be familiar to you and kept in mind to assist in framing your response.

DECRA Scheme - Selection Criteria Project Quality and Innovation remains at 40% and covers significant and innovation; DECRA Candidate remains at 35% and covers ROPE and time/capacity to deliver; *NEW*: Feasibility is now a dedicated criteria at 10%, covering the previous Research Environment criteria and evidence of project feasibility; *NEW*: Benefit is now a dedicated criteria at 15%, covering broad project benefits and cost-effectiveness. Key resource – keep on hand when drafting application – which criteria will each question contribute to – have you addressed it adequately. Make it easy for assessors to give you marks. Broadly similar selection criteria – feasibility and benefit are now two distinct criteria = key focus Project Quality….Significance and Innovation – don’t mix the two up – discuss the significance of the problem or gap (why is it important) and the innovation in your project to resolve problem e.g. methodology/technique that is new or different. Candidate….= Research opportunity and performance evidence (ROPE). Track Record where you will list your research impact and contributions to your field and significant career publications, etc. Why are you best placed to deliver? Feasibility….demonstrating that the research environment and facilities are adequate and project has been sufficiently developed to ensure delivery. Benefit…highlight intended outcomes and how they will deliver significant benefits to field/broader community and demonstrating economic value for money – deliver impact at low cost.

DECRA Funding Rules - Eligibility A DECRA Candidate must at the closing time of submission of Proposals: have been awarded a PhD on or after 1 March 2012; or have obtained DVCR certification for the equivalency of their postdoctoral research experience taking account of any significant and not overlapping career interruptions. *NEW*: Eligibility Exemption Requests are to be submitted to UQR&I by 8 February 2017 using the Career Interruptions form on the UQR&I webpage. A researcher may only apply for up to two DECRAs over the period in which they are eligible. All obligations regarding previously funded ARC projects, such as Final Reports, must be met at the time of application. Key points from Funding Rules to assist in considering, planning and preparing your application. Eligibility Exemptions Requests are not longer required to be submitted and approved by the ARC prior to submitting a full Proposal. Instead the DVCR is required to certify the PhD equivalency for any candidate falling outside the PhD window based on eligible career interruptions. Eligible career interruptions include international relocation; unemployment; non-research employment not concurrent with research employment; illness; maternity or parental leave; and carer’s responsibility. A PhD is defined as a qualification that meets the level 10 criteria of the Australian Qualifications Framework Second Edition January 2013. PhD Award Date = date of conferral. A researcher may only apply for up to two DECRAs over the period in which they are eligible - this includes Proposals that have been withdrawn after the closing time of submission of Proposals, and Proposals which were deemed ineligible by the ARC. Consider best timing for application in context of track record, trajectory of independence.

DECRA Funding Rules – Project Limits Within the Discovery Programme a researcher can concurrently hold or apply for a maximum of: a. two Projects as a CI, or b. one ARC Fellowship or ARC Award, and one Project as a CI *NEW*: All Active Projects count toward grant limits – i.e. any Project that is receiving funding according to the terms of the original ARC Funding Agreement, or has any carryover of funds/extension of end date approved by the ARC. Review your current project (and their end dates) in your RMS Person Profile or at C10 in your application. A researcher cannot concurrently hold more than one ARC Fellowship or Award or a Fellowship from another Commonwealth funding agency. Previous proposal and project limits continue to remain within the Discovery Programme – either two Projects as a CI OR one Project as a CI and one Fellowship or Award. However these limits will now be considered in terms of the life of a project rather than only the original years of funding set out the agreement. This means that any ARC project that has had an approved carry-forward or end date extension to 1 January 2018 or beyond, will now be considered an ‘Active Project’ and will form part of your limits under the DECRA scheme. A DECRA applicant may only hold or apply for one other project under the Discovery Programme (eg. DP or IN) that will be ‘active’ as at 1 January 2018. CIs on funded ARC Centres of Excellence commencing in 2017 or later, Directors of Special Research Initiatives commencing in 2015 or later, Directors of Industrial Transformation Research Hubs commencing in 2015 or later, or Directors of Industrial Transformation Training Centres commencing in 2016 or later, may only apply for or hold one Project/ARC Fellowship/ARC Award under the Discovery Programme. DECRA Recipient must relinquish any fellowships or the duties of any existing appointments prior to commencement. However may hold honorary or non-remunerated fellowships.

DECRA Application – Key Sections PART A – Administrative Summary A4 – Proposal Summary: Write for non-expert in your research field, no first person language Aims, Significance, Expected Outcomes, Benefits and Impacts *NEW*: ARC now provides a more defined format for A4 A5 – Impact Statement: Demonstrable contribution beyond academia (economy, society, culture, national security, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life) Outline the intended path to impact of the proposed research – use the ARC Research Impact Principles and Framework as a guide - http://www.arc.gov.au/research-impact-principles-and-framework Don’t forget the word cloud! Tips and strategies for addressing key sections of the application form in RMS. ARC Instructions to Applicants document will guide you through the seven parts to application. UQR&I provides templates for all PDF upload sections. A4 – ARC required defined format – introductory statement (this project aims to), context, outcome statement and benefit statement. Sell proposal, grab attention of non-expert readers – why is this research so important – what is the gap. Use aspirational terms (for example, The Project aims to…) rather than definitive terms (The Project will…) A5 – Impact agenda for ARC. Link back to objectives of DECRA scheme around advancing knowledge base, addressing Science and Research priorities. Think about the longer term, broader outcomes and benefits of your research. Word Cloud: RMS now uses an algorithm to generate a word cloud which reflects details provided in Project Title, Project Summary, Impact Statement, and FOR and SEO codes to determine the assessor matches for your proposal. This means that the word cloud will be the primary mechanism by which expert assessors are selected, and subsequently which discipline panel your proposal is considered by. Carefully consider word choice.

ARC DECRA Application – Key Sections PART C – Personnel and ROPE The quality of applicants will be assessed on the basis of their Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE). C7 - Career and opportunities for research: establishes your opportunities for research and sets the context against which your performance evidence is evaluated. Answer each relevant component of the ARC’s questioning - don’t forget to mention career interruptions. C9 - Statement on your research impact and contributions: Describe your significant research findings and impact on the field Provide evidence including quality of publications (citations, who is citing, bibliometrics); awards and prizes, membership of learned societies; involvement in peer review and academic community Describe how your achievements contribute to the DECRA project *NEW*: Now 4 pages (previously 1 page only) – consider using sub-headings Criteria – DECRA candidate 35% ROPE – research quality in context of opportunity C7- establishes your opportunities for research and sets the context against which your performance evidence is evaluated. Research Opportunity section of ROPE. Mention any career interruptions or other circumstances that may have slowed down your research and publications or affected the time you have had to conduct and publish from research. C9 - Performance Evidence section of ROPE = track record. Detail contributions to the research field of this proposal and evidence of your performance which demonstrate your capacity to undertake the proposed research. Sell your achievements, justify every claim, provide evidence of quality, impact and performance. Frame around how your research has led to a significant change or advanced the knowledge in your field. Don’t have to use full 4 pages – depends on career stage – assessors will prefer quality over quantity of information. Library can assist for queries on bibliometrics – tools and metrics to demonstrate impact and quality of research. It is highly recommended that you attend a UQ Library Bibliometrics Grant Writing Workshop.

DECRA Application – Key Sections PART D – Project Description D1 – Project Description (8 pages, including references): Must use the ARC’s heading structure: *NEW* structure includes Project Title; Aims and Background; Project Quality and Innovation; DECRA Candidate; Feasibility; Benefit; Communication of Results; Management of Data; References - UQR&I has provided a template. Keep selection criteria and weightings in mind. D3-D4 – Medical Research: ARC Medical Research Policy defines research ineligible for ARC support. Focus on direct research outcomes and take care when selecting FoR Codes. Make use of the D4 Medical Research Statement question as necessary. Heading structure has changed to align with criteria – Communication of Results added, Project Research Environment removed. When borrowing from the Grants Library remember that previous year’s may have had a different proposal structure, including headings and page length. Link back to scheme criteria – all criteria assessed – particularly PQI (40%), F (10%) and B(10%). Medical Research - please ensure you are familiar with the policy. Simple steps to avoid being ruled ineligible e.g., not using clinical FOR codes; not framing the project around the health benefits…focus on direct research outcomes, not long-term application for medicine. If there is the potential for the project to be viewed as health and medical research, make use of the Medical Research Statement questions to address the fundamental aims of your research and alignment with eligible categories of research. The ARC Medical Research Policy defines research ineligible for ARC support: research with human health and/or medical goals; or research involving the use or development of animal models of human health conditions, or the use of animals for the development or testing of therapeutic goods or procedures, for the purposes of better understanding human health or developing treatments for human health conditions; or interventional research in humans, particularly clinical or pre-clinical trials of therapeutic goods, or research aiming to modify the health of the human participants; or the use or development of equipment, facilities, tools, games, devices, smart phone applications or other items to understand, diagnoses, monitor, manage or treat human health conditions.

DECRA Application – Key Sections Part E – Project Cost Ensure that each budget item requested can be fully justified in terms of need and cost in Part F1. Higher degree by research stipends have a fixed rate of $26,300 (2016$) per annum and a maximum of one per proposal. Travel costs are limited to $50,000 over the life of the DECRA (not including field research travel or carer’s costs in travel). The ARC will not support budget requests for bench fees, capital works, costs not directly related to the research e.g., professional membership fees, visas, insurance, patent application fees, relocation. *NEW*: Administering Organisation cash contributions can be included eg. salary top-up provided by host School/Institute/Centre. However do not include in-kind contributions in Part E budget table. Salary at fixed rate and up to $40k per annum for project costs from ARC for three years. Use correct budget category – Personnel, Equipment, Maintenance, Fieldwork Expenses, Travel, Other. Do not include GST in your costs ARC now provides for reasonable essential extraordinary costs to allow a researcher who is a carer, or who themselves require care or assistance, to undertake travel essential to the Project. 2018 salary scales provided by UQR&I with ARC required 30% on-costs. Bench fees means the fees that an organisation charges for an individual to use infrastructure which would normally be provided by the organisation for their employees. Lab access fees – can make case for access to specialist facilities / equipment (not basic lab fees)

DECRA Application – Key Sections Parts F and G – Use the UQR&I templates F1 - fully justify each budget item for each year – use the same headings and descriptions entered under Part E. G1 - research support for DECRA Candidate (2017-2020): Table 1 – ARC proposals including DE18 proposal Table 2 – Funding from non-ARC sources G2 – statements on progress for ARC-funded projects for which a Final Report has not yet been submitted to the ARC. F1 – Budget Justification - The DECRA salary is not defended here – F1 is used for the justification of DECRA project costs only. Justify each line item for each year – use same budget headings and descriptions as Part E. G1 – Research support for DECRA Candidate (2017-2020). Two tables – ARC proposals (not yet showing at C10) and Funding from non-ARC sources. Must include DE18 proposal with correct budget figures as per Part E request. G2 – Statements on Progress for ARC-funded Projects (no final report has been submitted to the ARC at time of DECRA closing) – as per C10. If Final Report has been submitted include a short statement indicating the date on which the report was submitted.

Writing your DECRA D2 Statement

DECRA – D2 Statement D2 – Statement by the Administering Organisation Indicates that the DECRA Proposal aligns with a core and/or emerging research strength of the Administering Organisation; Describes the level of resources to be provided to support the successful DECRA Candidate; and Details opportunities for the DECRA Candidate to demonstrate the level of independence required to be competitive for research and/or research and teaching pathways at the Administering Organisation during and after the project. *NEW*: Now 3 page limit (previously 2 pages) Note: The Admin Org must provide a statement in relation to the ‘Project’ (previously in relation to ‘Project Research Environment’) Note: No longer referred to as a ‘Strategic’ Statement

DECRA – D2 Statement Process UQR&I is providing a template. No “one size fits all” approach - must be about you and your fit to UQ research strengths/research strategy. DECRA candidate to draft the body of Statement (with input from School/Faculty/Institute). Full draft Statement to be included when the application is submitted internally for UQR&I review. UQR&I will provide strategic comment on the Statement, and any further suggestions for improvement. UQR&I will arrange DVC(Research) signature and upload the Statement once it is finalised.

DECRA – D2 Statement Consider the strategic fit of the applicant and their project Why do we seek to appoint: Person – ie, someone like you Project – undertaking the work proposed in DECRA Place – in this research area At UQ (not necessarily just in your org unit) At this point in the development of this research strength/emerging strength at UQ

DECRA – D2 Statement 1. Introduction An Executive Summary of the DECRA applicant including career highlights – what makes you and your work interesting and unique? Draws out main strengths and profile of applicant Setting the scene for the sections that follow about strategic fit, support, trajectory and independence

DECRA – D2 Statement 2. Alignment with UQ Core or Emerging Research Strengths Fit between the DECRA & research strengths (or emerging areas) How does The Person and The Project fit with, and complement, The Place What is the value add?

DECRA – D2 Statement How well does the person/project align with UQ link the focus of DECRA & their work to UQ strength/s and priorities - existing or emerging (be definite) detail how well candidate aligns with UQ research strengths or emerging priorities why is this research area an existing or emerging strength at UQ? (international profile, critical mass of key researchers or centres in this/related areas) ERA outcomes ... some detailed analysis of strength in relevant related Fields of Research

DECRA – D2 Statement 3. Environment and Resources Supporting the DECRA Positioning of the DECRA in a quality research environment (supportive/collaborative …intellectual and physical/infrastructural resources) Who will you work with? Alignment with specific expertise of UQ researchers and/or collaborators in areas of strength. Level of support for the successful DECRA (eg salary top-up, PhD student top-ups). Include any UQ cash commitments from E1, in addition to in-kind contributions. Describe the positioning of the DECRA Candidate within a quality research environment that is supportive and collaborative  (intellectual and infrastructural support)   Describe the level of resources to be provided to support the successful DECRA candidate (for example or salary top-up, project costs, PhD students ). Describe the research environment in which the DECRA candidate would be situated. When describing the research environment consider the following aspects: Intellectual (key researchers, research opportunities, centres, etc). Support and collaboration (mentoring, and collaboration – within School, across UQ, nationally and internationally). Physical (facilities/equip/infrastructure /resources). 2015 ERA (if not already addressed previously in the Statement). A description of any cash or in-kind contributions from the School/Institute. This includes the host’s contributed difference to the salary gap.

DECRA – D2 Statement 4. Independence, Career Pathways, Capacity How will this DECRA develop the Career Pathways, Independence and Research Capacity? How does the award of the DECRA open up career opportunities after the project? What is the involvement of teaching in the DECRA in terms of future career trajectories? How will the DECRA promote independence? How will research capacity be boosted? The research only and/or research and teaching pathways available at the Administering Organisation during and after completion of the Project, and the opportunities afforded to the DECRA candidate to develop the necessary career independence to be competitive for those pathways    For example: Opportunities for a career trajectory of developing independence. A description of the possible pathways available after the completion of the DECRA within the School/Institute or other relevant Schools/Institutes. Outline of the staffing profile of the School/Centre/Faculty/Institute and how the DECRA would position them to add value to this profile. UQ support for ECR researchers, including UQ internal grant schemes.

DECRA – D2 Statement What are our Plans for this area? UQ capacity We need someone with these attributes because We are working towards … S/he will enable our existing human and physical infrastructure to … (be used in innovative ways) We have these colleagues, whom s/he will enhance by … We have … available support

DECRA – D2 Statement National Capacity More broadly, how might this DECRA help develop the National Research Capacity Possible links to statements about collaboration with Industry &/or Research institutions &/or other disciplines, research capabilities, techniques

DECRA – D2 Statement The Person: if you are a continuing UQ employee You MUST strongly justify how the DECRA will enhance their research capacity and UQ’s will facilitate this at this time NEVER “more time to do more of the same” Why award a DECRA to this applicant? Why now?

DECRA Application and Submission Process

DECRA – Getting Started Join the UQR&I Mailing List Familiarise yourself with the DE18 documentation Ensure you have access to RMS Access all ARC documentation and UQR&I templates

DECRA – Tips and Strategies Make use of the UQR&I Grants Library of past successfuls (but always being mindful of the latest scheme changes) Make contact with your School/Faculty/Institute to find out about internal readership and peer review schemes Seek feedback on your full grant proposal from: A discipline expert – this mirrors the ARC expert reader A non-specialist reader – for example, someone from one of the ‘adjacent disciplines’ represented on your College of Experts Panel – this mirrors the College Member UQ Library Bibliometrics Grant Writing Workshops discuss metrics and counts used to represent impact and strength of research.

UQ Library Bibliometrics Sessions Metrics for Grant Writing and Promotion: Wed 8 Feb; Tue 14 Feb; Thur 16 Feb This course will enable participants to identify key metrics to strengthen their grant proposals providing information about various metrics available to support claims of research excellence, significance and impact, as well as collaboration extent. Bookings via: https://web.library.uq.edu.au/blog/2017/01/applying-grant-or-promotion The UQ Library are once again running their popular workshops on the use of metrics to strengthen research grant applications. These hands-on sessions discuss a variety of metrics and counts that can be used to support claims of research excellence, significance and the impact of research in grant applications. Metrics for Grant Writing and Promotion focuses on metrics for indexed (Web of Science, Scopus) publications.

DECRA - Application Process Submit application to UQR&I for internal review - once your full proposal and all of its attachments are ready (and valid) in RMS, you will need to submit internally as follows:  Submit online to UQR&I by pressing ‘Submit to Research Office’ in RMS. Email ARCFellowships@research.uq.edu.au to advise that the application is ready for review, attaching: a scan of your completed and signed UQ Coversheet; a scan of your completed and signed Certification Proforma; where relevant, your completed Request not to Assess form; a word document of your Part D2 Statement. UQR&I Due Date: Wednesday 1 March 2017 UQR&I will review and provide feedback to applicant. Final submission instructions will be provided with review. Coversheet must be received in order for UQR&I to initiate review

DECRA – UQR&I Scheme Contacts Email ARCFellowships@research.uq.edu.au RMS Help http://www.uq.edu.au/research/research-management/arc-rms or rms@research.uq.edu.au UQR&I DECRA webpage http://www.uq.edu.au/research/research-management/arc- decra