Clouds, Rain, and Rainbows
This is a cloud.
Here are more clouds.
Here is another cloud.
Clouds can be very dark.
Rain comes from clouds.
Rain can be so light, that it is hard to see the rain.
But rain can also be very heavy, like this.
When heavy rain goes for a long time, roads can flood.
And heavy rains can make creeks and rivers flood, too.
But after a while, the flood water goes away.
When rain falls on a street, it makes rain puddles.
Some kids like to jump in rain puddles.
Cars can splash people when they drive through rain puddles Cars can splash people when they drive through rain puddles. (That’s not very nice!)
Rain makes things wet. It makes streets wet.
Rain makes flowers wet,
it makes dogs wet,
and it makes grass wet. Rain makes everything wet!
Rain also makes people wet,
but people don’t like to be wet.
They want to stay dry.
Here is an umbrella.
People use umbrellas to stay dry. Umbrellas keep the rain off.
Rain makes feet wet.
So people wear rain boots, or galoshes, sometimes.
Rain boots, or galoshes, keep our feet dry. These feet are dry!
Sometimes, after a rain, there is a rainbow!
People love rainbows! We think they are very pretty.
Rainbows have many colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple!
The End