Science and Planning Workshop: START08/preHIPPO 8 -9 January 2008 Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport (2008) HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations of Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases Location: Broomfield, Colorado Time: Phase I: <21 April – 16 May 2008 Phase II: 16 – 28 June 2008
Science and Planning Workshop: START08/preHIPPO Tuesday Morning: Science Presentations / Discussions (START08 emphasis) Afternoon (1): Continue Science Presentations/Discussions (HIPPO emphasis) Afternoon (2): Breakout groups: Forecasting Airborne instrumentation
Science and Planning Workshop: START08/preHIPPO Wednesday Morning: Science Presentations / Discussions Airborne Measurements Afternoon: Operational Aspects/Group Reports Discussion Action Items/Timeline
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START08/PreHIPPO: Measurements Instrument Data Mission Objective HAIS Twin QCL High resolution CO, CO2, CH4, N2O Tracer studies/Carbon cycle CARI CU-VUV High resolution CO HAIS AWAS Grab sampling: NMHC, HCFC, RONO2, etc., etc. Tracer studies MEDUSA Grab Samples: Carbon isotopes Carbon cycle/stratospheric processes PANTHER GC/MS Medium resolution: selected trace gases UCATS GC analysis:N2O/SF6/H2/CO/CH4; continuous O3 – H2O Fast Ozone High resolution O3 (5 sps) Strat-trop processes; multiscale modeling NOAA Ozone High resolution O3 (1 sps) Strat-trop processes; multiscale modeling NCAR NO/NOy High resolution NO, NOy Strat-trop mixing; convective NO sources TDL H2O High resolution H2O Microphysics, strat- trop processes HAIS VCSEL High resolution H2O (25 sps) Multiscale processes HAIS SID-2 Small ice particle detector Cirrus microphysics HAIS MTP Atmospheric temperature structure Strat-trop processes; tropopause location CU-CLH Total water measurement; thin cloud detection Microphysics, strat-trop processes NCAR O2:N2 Measure of O2:N2 ratio Strat-trop exchange; carbon cycle RAF Particle probes Various Microphysics RAF CN Condensation nuclei Microphysics/tracer