(With a Tech Twist!) October 2, 2017 MINUTE MEETINGs (With a Tech Twist!) October 2, 2017
Welcome! Welcome to all, thanks for taking the time to be here!
Overview and objectives
Why minute meetings? Not an original idea Way to make a contact with all students Additional data point Danielle Schultz, Andrea Burston, many ideas by googling school counselor minute meetings
Benefits Snapshot of students Alert to students who may need extra attention A way to see all students Additional data point Use in conjunction with other data Quick and easy
How to… NUTS and BOLTS!
Step one: Determine your questions Keep it simple Use resources on the internet for ideas Use domains for guidance Tailor it to you/your school’s needs Don’t forget the demographics (name, homeroom)
Step two: Prepare Arrange a time with teachers (approximately 1-2 minutes per students) Get a copy of the class list Find a place outside each room Decide if you will use paper/pencil (no-tech) or Google Forms
No-tech option Create a system that works for you: grid with code, etc.
Here’s the Tech Twist… Time for Google Forms Demo! Google Forms Demo
What responses look like
Ways to use the data Remember it’s a snapshot Look for trends Compare data points when done multiple times throughout the year Combine with other data Trend examples: fourth grade all said some/lots friends; first graders don’t know school counselor;
Could include other data from your school – minors, etc Could include other data from your school – minors, etc. Then I brought this to grade level meetings to talk about what interventions might be needed.
THANK YOU! ANY QUESTIONS? aimee.hospodarsky@monticello.k12.ia.us 319-465-3551 x3117