Parent Progress Meeting Year 6 Date 4thDecemeber
Aims of the meeting… Understand the tests your child has completed. What your child has achieved in their test. Information in envelopes explaining your child’s results. Results How you can help at home.
Assessments… Complete a set of tests every half term (show the different tests) Mixture of SAT papers and PRIMA/PUMA/GAPS. Aims of the tests are to celebrate children’s achievements and identify next steps. Tests consist of: - Maths - English Reading Grammar and Punctuation Spelling - Writing (moderated throughout the year)
What are the differences between the two types of test in year 6 and why do we use them? National – all children in year 6 take these / test technique / identify what the children need to learn next / get them used to tests / give us the most accurate picture of how your child is preforming at school.
Assessments… End of National Curriculum expectation is a scaled score of 100. Guidance of results… Each envelope contains 3 sheets with your child’s outcomes for Reading, Maths and Grammar and Spelling. Working towards 99 or below Working at 100-115 Working at greater depth 115 or above
SAMPLE of Results… Strands showing how your child performed in the different topics within the subject. Raw score is then converted to the age standardised score. Breakdown of you child’s total score within a specific topic. The raw score your child achieved.
How you can support… Maths Working towards Children MUST know their times tables and be able to recall them at speed. This includes the related division facts at year 6. Times Table Rockstars is a fantastic way to increase this and has already begun to make a huge difference. Look at the gaps from the most recent tests and see which areas need to be worked on. MyMaths is a good place to start with these areas. Working at Children MUST know their times tables and be able to recall them at speed. This is a skill which could make the difference for your child’s success. Ensure all homework set is completed on time and that time is given to really have a good go at this. If support is needed then by all means help. Working at greater depth Look at the gaps from the previous test. Use MyMaths and IXL Maths to support learning. – deeper learning website
Times tables Heat Maps on TTRS are a fantastic tool to help identify where your child needs to improve. The greener the times table the quicker your child is at answering that times table. If you hover over you can see the average speed. For a Year 6 pupil we are aiming to be able to answer all times tables and corresponding division facts in under 3 seconds.
How you can support… Reading Working towards Children MUST read with an adult (year 7 and above) EVERY single day (including weekends). This can be a library book, home reading book or a book of their own from home that they love. Complete the Cracking Comprehension online homework with adult support. Complete the white Reading Revision guide with adult support. Working at As above Use the SAT style question stems to ask your child questions about what they have read Working at greater depth Ask children to write detailed, written responses to 1 question each time you read – making sure they use 2 pieces of evidence from the text.
How you can support… Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Working towards Ask children to spot the grammar features that we have been looking at in class in their home reading books. Make sure children complete the white revision guide homework and help them with this. Use IXL English to complete 10 questions each day – children can pick a topic that we have covered during lesson time Working at Use IXL English Use Grammarsarus videos on Youtube Working at greater depth Use IXL English with a focus on word class and tenses Use Grammarsarus videos on Youtube and generate related questions
Any questions?
Thank you for your continued support.