Published Poetry Presentations Present a published poem, illustrated by you, and . . . 1) What poetic devices you noted 2) What the poem is expressing—what it means 3) Why you like the poem 4) What you know about the author
Lit 6-D
Marisa Bloemer, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Dillon Cain, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Alex Daniels, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Hannah Dannenberg, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Allison Dilbert, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Ian Fariello, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Brian Finke, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Walker Haaser, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
River Hammersmith, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Riley Herald, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Ella Kruze, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Alexys Lear, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Georgia McFarland, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Will Melching, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Samantha Murphy, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Landon Ramsey, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Kate Resing, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Mary Rice, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Morgan Russell, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Dylan Ryan, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Josie Stallard, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Landon Walker, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Andrew Weitzel, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Lit 6-M
Grady Ackerman, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Chloe Anneken, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Ava Auberger, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Andrea Carothers, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Lucas Cousineau, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Vaughn Ditrick, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Sasha Holbrook, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Abby Hugenberg, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Maya Lawrie, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Will Leach, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Alexa McClure, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Reese McGonigal, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Ben Melching, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Drew Michels, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Jocelyn Monson, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Avery Myers, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Jake Nader, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Aidan Ritz, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Owen Robertson, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Riley Robertson, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Ty Stevens, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Lexi Tignor, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet
Angelea Wuest, presenting a poem by . . . Famous Poet