Social Studies If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. My email is: Thank you, Brian Gasiorowski Social Studies Department Chair
Guidelines for Course Level Placement Factors to be considered for level placement: Student’s motivation and willingness to be engaged in the learning process by doing the work requested. Homework and projects completed on time Organization skills Current grades in the courses in question and current level EOG grades Level and amount of extra curricular activities
Standard Level Coursework 9-12 Adheres to the North Carolina Essential Standards Provides the student with a basic understanding of the curriculum content Students receive some remedial review of material presented Suggested for students scoring 1 or 2 on 8th grade EOGs No additional quality points
Honors (9-12) and IBMYP (9 & 10) Level Coursework Moves beyond the North Carolina Essential Standards by adding several additional areas of study Requires students to do much outside reading and many projects beyond the normal classroom requirements Students should be independent learners and highly motivated to learn rather than simply to achieve a grade
Honors (9-12) and IBMYP (9 & 10) Level Coursework (Cont.) Geared toward students making a high 3 – 5 on 8th grade EOGs or high school EOCs. Earns ½ additional quality point
Advanced Placement College level courses and exams Potentially earn college level credit depending on the college and exam scores Opportunity to explore college curriculum and improve chances of getting into competitive colleges Very rigorous pace for motivated students Earns 1 additional quality point
International Baccalaureate Provides opportunity to pursue a rigorous liberal arts curriculum Students sit for external exams in 6 academic areas during 11th and 12th grade IB differs from AP in that IB is a complete curriculum with specified courses in grades 11 and 12, while the AP program allows students to select courses Earns 1 additional quality point
Graduation Requirements for Social Studies 9th grade - World History 10th grade – Civics & Economics 11th grade – American History (Both) American History: European Exploration of the New World – 1877 American History: 1877 – Present All classes listed will be offered both semesters All classes listed are on the 4x4 schedule In the 9th and 10th grade, World History and Civics & Economics are offered at the Standard, Honors and IBMYP levels In the 11th grade, both American History classes are offered at the Standard and Honors level
Electives on the 4x4 Schedule The following electives will be offered and be worth a full credit African-American Studies Psychology Debate (Levels I, II and III will be offered on an A-day/B-day schedule and a 4x4 schedule)
AP Class Offerings AP US History (Meets American History requirement) AP US Government AP European History AP World History (Meets World History requirement) AP Psychology AP Economics AP Human Geography All classes listed will be offered on an A-day/B-day schedule Classes will culminate with AP Board Exam for potential college credit
IB Course Offerings IB Psychology I (SL) and II (HL) IB History of the Americas and IB 20th Century Meets American History requirement 2 year commitment IB Economics SL and HL IB Geography SL TOK Only Juniors and Seniors may take IB Exams