OMA Perspective ETSI SOS Interop II Meeting


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OMA Perspective ETSI SOS Interop II Meeting Jari Alvinen Chairman of the Board, Open Mobile Alliance Sophia Antipolis, 20 September 2005 OMA-BOARD-2005-0143R01

Contents OMA Overview OMA Interoperability Program OMA IPR Policy and Processes Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA Overview

OMA Mission The mission of the Open Mobile Alliance is to facilitate global user adoption of mobile data services by specifying market driven mobile service enablers that ensure service interoperability across devices, geographies, service providers, operators, and networks while allowing businesses to compete through innovation and differentiation. Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA Membership Close to 400 OMA member companies represent a truly global organization with members from all regions, which represents the various parts of the end-to-end value chain Value Chain Members By Region Operators Wireless Vendor Content & Other IT Asia Pacific Europe Middle East Americas Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA Organisation Board Technical Plenary Operations & Processes Browser & Content Release Planning & Mgmt. Games services Requirements Mobile Web Services Device Mgmt. Location Architecture Data Synchronization Presence & Availability Messaging Security Interoperability Developers Interests Mobile Commerce & Charging Push to Talk Over Cellular Legend Committee Working Group Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Cooperation with Other Organizations OMA has established cooperation with many external organisations and is looking forward to closer cooperation with a number of others 3GPP 3GPP2 CDG ERTICO ETSI GSMA IETF IFPI ITU-T JCP Liberty Alliance MEF MeT MITF-TC1 Mobey Forum OGC MPA(A) Mobile Payment Forum MCC Oasis OSGI Parlay PayCircle RIAA TeleManagement Forum (TMF) Telematics Forum TIGA W3C WiFi WS-I DVB Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA Deliverables OMA Release Programme OMA Interoperability Programme Delivers sets of specifications, packaged as “Enabler Releases” Based on market-driven requirements and use cases OMA Interoperability Programme OMA TestFests for testing specifications and product interoperability Enabler Test Specifications (ETS) to be used in OMA TestFests or other interoperability and conformance testing Bilateral testing facilitation with OMA IOP documents and Trusted Zone* services Third party Test House facilitation with OMA IOP documents and Trusted Zone* services Others Reports, analyses, white papers, industry studies etc. *Trusted Zone – independent environment for compliance checking, test scheduling and reporting, providing commercial confidentiality to TestFest Participants Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA Recent Accomplishments Total of 29 OMA Enablers Released, most recent include OMA Push to Talk Over Cellular OMA Secure User Plane for Location OMA Mobile Location Service Complete list of OMA Enablers can be found at: Ten OMA IOP TestFests conducted 474 product implementations tested (Status at June 2005) IPR Policy revision OMA IPR policy now in line with the IPR policies of other comparable organizations providing for reciprocal licensing to both members and non-members OMA continues to evaluate the current process of declaration/disclosure of essential IPR and benchmarking against other SDOs Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA Interoperability Program

OMA and Interoperability The OMA processes and the organization are designed to achieve interoperability Interoperability is embedded in the requirements phase and through a common architecture Candidate specifications are converted to Approved Specifications via the Interoperability phase Companies implementing OMA specifications have a facility to check interoperability with other implementations during the development cycle OMA is working with other bodies to help ensure that respective deliverables work well together (for example OMA and 3GPP) Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

The OMA IOP Program Deliverables Document Development Enabler Test Requirements Enabler Test Specifications Enabler Test Plans Enabler Implementation Conformance Statements Conducting IOP TestFest events Problem identification and specification errata Test Tool development and procurement Building relationships with other organisations E.g. Certification bodies and the test tools industry Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA Interoperability Initiatives Test tools for use by OMA members Building relationships with Certification Bodies For example use of OMA test deliverables by GCF IOP Summit meetings (open to all) Standards organisations Certification bodies Test industry *Trusted Zone – independent environment for compliance checking, test scheduling and reporting, providing commercial confidentiality to TestFest Participants Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA IPR Policy and Processes

OMA IPR Policy Change: “License to all” At the end of 2004, OMA decided to make this change in order to bring OMA IPR policy in line with the IPR policies of other comparable organizations The revision of the policy primarily provide for reciprocal licensing to both members and non-members OMA received a number of requests from organizations such as 3GPP and 3GPP2 to consider this type of revision to its IPR policy, to facilitate better working relationships with such organizations The revised OMA IPR policy applies to all Specifications approved by the OMA Board of Directors after December 31st, 2004. This will encompass two types of Specification: (i) all new versions of existing OMA Specifications; and (ii) all new OMA Specifications. Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

OMA IPR Policy - ongoing OMA continues to evaluate the current process of declaration/disclosure of essential IPR and benchmark against other SDOs Considering e.g. timeliness and coverage of non-member declared essential IPR Improving the quality of OMA specification by attempting to improve the comprehensiveness of the IPR declarations Consider listing non-members Essential IPR claims on OMA Specifications on the OMA IPR Declarations Web site Participating IPR workshops arranged by other SDOs such as the ETSI SOS Interop Meetings Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Conclusions Interoperability IPR OMA has made interoperability a core part of our mission and have developed a comprehensive IOP programme. We are happy to be able to share our experiences with partners such as ETSI and are open to further development of the IOP programme to meet industry needs. IPR OMA recognizes the IPR concerns of the industry and ETSI efforts in that front. OMA would welcome/propose working more closely with ETSI and other SDOs in order to identify common solutions where applicable Copyright © 2005 Open Mobile Alliance Ltd. All Rights Reserved.