CLU3M- Introduction Law and Society
Law: Its Purpose and History Everybody has a direct experience with it Law and legal issues affect everyone (be in school, drive a car, where you can work, get paid, renovate a basement) Incredibly important to know your rights and responsibilities
Canada and its Law Every country has its own history and culture that has shaped its laws and punishment Laws tell us about a country’s past (any examples?) Laws reveal the current values and beliefs of a country’s citizens (today?)
What is Law? like rules to a game yet apply to all members of society at all times Laws regulate our activities from birth to death Therefore: Individuals are free to do whatever they want, with one exception: You must not do those things the law forbids, or prohibits Those that don’t agree with a law can lobby the government to change it through joining a lobby or pressure group
What is Law? Laws tend to change with time and according to location Our constitution (The Canada Act) was created in 1867- our laws cannot be the same today as then On a smaller scale- laws regarding snow removal are important here but not in Vancouver Laws reflect the values and practical concerns in provinces, states, counties and cultures.
Why Do We Have Laws? Laws usually create clear understanding about expected behaviour As society grows it needs more law to control and limit the behaviour of its citizens To enforce these laws, a society introduces punishments for breaking the law If the laws do not change with society, then conflict and revolt will occur
Function of Law Establish rules of Conduct Ex: Provide a system of Enforcement Protect Rights and Freedoms Protect Society Resolve Disputes EX:
Law and Morality Laws are mostly practical (regulating traffic))- but many reflect the moral values of the majority of society Controversial (why?) Physician assisted suicide Capital Punishment Abortion Corporal punishment for children Drug use Possession of certain types of images Sex education Torture Terrorism
Law and Justice Ultimate goal of law is to ensure justice for all What is Justice? Equality, fairness, accessibility, liberty, freedom Case by case situations or Letter of the law?
Justice Treat like cases alike and different cases differently We consider a law unjust if it discriminates on the basis of irrelevant characteristics Justice should be impartial; that is laws should be applied regardless of a person’s position or financial status We expect the law itself to be just in that it conforms to society’s values and beliefs
R. v. Dudley and Stephens
Justice See handout- Justice activity
Anti-Terrorism Legislation 'Sometimes these things can become wins for extremists and terrorists. They are trying to provoke further attacks and if the response reinforces their perspective on the state of the world, then it ends up helping their cause.‘ - Scott Stewart, VP of tactical analysis at Stratfor 5 Things to know about Ottawa’s new anti-terrorism measures