Welcome Hyde Class 2018-19
Hyde Class Staff Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday – Miss Bucknall Thursday- Mrs Maidment Mrs Mobbs- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Mrs Sparks- Monday?
Routines Please be on time- we start learning at 8:35 PE days- Thursday afternoons Early bird reading- Tuesday and Thursday 8:35-9:00am Concerns- please don’t wait to talk to us
Assessment Reception Observations against EYFS outcomes Parent voice Year One Benchmark reading O Track Phonics screening Parent’s evening
Homework Reading Spellings- orange RSV journal Homework challenges
Ways to help Name everything! Volunteer to help in class Read the weekly newsletter Try to make doctors/dentist/optician appointments after school or in the holidays Encourage your child to do their homework Talk to us at the first sign of any problem
Thankyou for coming Any questions?