Scheduling Meeting Class of 2020 Guidance Department Spring 2019
Agenda Scheduling Material Indiana Graduation Requirements New Courses/Changes Special Programs Reminders Due Dates
Scheduling Information NHS Guidance Webpage Diploma Information Core 40 Checklist Academic Honors Checklist Technical Honors Checklist Scheduling Course Descriptions Quantitative Reasoning Courses Specific Course Information Graduating Class Information
Paths to Graduation Option 1: Complete diploma credit requirements and pass English/math ISTEP Option 2: Complete Graduation Pathway
Graduation Pathways
New Courses & Changes Technical Communications Analytical Algebra II Satisfies a junior or senior English requirement This course is geared towards students entering the following career fields: science, engineering, technology, medical, and possibly those going into a vocational area This will be high level thinking and writing skills for the workplace. Analytical Algebra II Satisfies the Algebra II credit for a Core 40 diploma May not be accepted at some colleges (parents sign off required to enroll).
New Courses & Changes AP Government AP US History AP Physics One credit course AP US History AP Physics Replaces physics
New Course & Changes Animal Science Advanced Life Science: Animals Dual credit course through Ivy Tech. Advanced Life Science: Animals Career Exploration Internship Offered to juniors and seniors No pathway related pre-requisite.
New Courses & Changes Work-Based Learning ICE Advanced Manufacturing I Minimum of 4 credits related to student's pathway and to the worksite placement Classroom hours required ICE Minimum of 4 credits related to student's pathway and to the worksite placement 2 periods worksite and 1 period of classroom instruction. Advanced Manufacturing I New Area 18 Class at Norwell 2 periods/ all year/ 4 credits
New Courses & Changes Pre-Calculus Split this class into two class Pre-Calculus – PFW MA 153 ($75) Trigonometry – PFW MA 154 ($75) Can take just one course Algebra II Honors prerequisite
Special Programs ICE, Work Based Learning, Career Exploration Internship – Ron Harnish Yearbook – Will Johnson Area 18 CTE Programs Advanced Placement IPFW College Credit IVY Tech College Credit Early Graduation Dual Enrollment
ICE and Work-Based Learning 1) ICE- Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education (ICE) spans all career and technical education program areas through an interdisciplinary approach to training for employment. Time allocations are a minimum of fifteen hours per week of work-based learning and approximately five hours per week of school-based instruction. Additionally, all state and federal laws and regulations related to student employment and cooperative education must be followed. 2) Work Based Learning Capstone - This course builds students’ skills and knowledge in their chosen career path or furthers their study within the area of interest. A standards based training plan is developed by the student, teacher, and workplace mentor to guide the student’s work based learning experiences and assist in evaluating achievement and performance, whether WBL is a stand-alone course or a component of a discipline specific CTE course. Internship Fair March 5. • Required Prerequisites: Preparing for College and Careers; a minimum of 4 credits of introductory and advanced courses related to a student’s pathway and to the work site placement
Area 18 Career & Technical Education Approx. 15 programs available next year One year commitment – changes must be approved by Mr. Parker Transportation provided (except to Huntington and some second year programs) Any exceptions will be discussed at start of school Area 18 Tour in February (pending approval) Area 18 website:
Area 18 Career and Technical Program http://www. nwcs. k12. in CTE Advanced Manufaturing I – Norwell (Dual Credit Pending) CTE Automotive Technology I/II – Norwell CTE Construction Technology I/II – Southern Wells CTE Cosmetology I/II – Huntington (Creation Beauty School) CTE Criminal Justice I/II – Bellmont CTE Culinary Arts and Hospitality – Bluffton CTE Early Childhood Education I/II – Bellmont CTE Educational Professionals I/II – Bellmont CTE Emergency Medical Technology - Huntington CTE Fire and Rescue I/II – South Adams CTE Health Science Education I – Bluffton CTE Human and Social Services I/II - Huntington PLTW Engineering - Norwell CTE Precision Machining I/II – South Adams CTE Radio and Television I/II – Bellmont CTE Welding I/II – Bluffton Highlighted program count for THD/ Please see link above for pathway and college credits and/or certifications offered.
Advanced Placement (AP) AP Calculus AP Chemistry AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature & Composition AP Psychology AP US History AP Physics AP US Government Must take the AP Exam at the end of the year to count it for Academic Honors. There may be a cost to the AP Exams.
PFW College Credit Pre-Calculus = MA 153 ($75) Trigonometry = MA 154 ($75) Prerequisite – must have a B- or higher in Algebra II AP Calculus = MA 165 ($100) Adv. English 12 = ENG W131 ($75) Adv. English 12 = COMM 114 ($75) Requirements: 2.8/4.0 GPA, Meet course prerequisite, and complete application Some course may have book fees as well
Other Dual Credit Options Huntington University – Early Entry University of Saint Francis – Achieving Credit Early (ACE) Indiana Tech – Early Start PFW – Collegiate Connection Ivy Tech
Early Graduation “Graduate” after Semester One Receive Diploma in June, 2020 Select MID-TERM GRAD on Selection Sheet* Graduation course requirements satisfied Must be pursuing a Core 40 Diploma Must pass the ISTEP or complete Grad Pathway
English Changes The following are the senior English options: Advanced English (Dual Credit) AP Language and Composition AP Literature and Composition English 12 Technical Communication/ Speech, Film Lit, or Creative Writing English 12S/ Speech, Film Lit, or Creative Writing Technical Communication/English 12S
REMINDERS……. Math sequence: Core 40: Algebra I, Algebra 2 or Analytical Algebra II, Geometry THD: Algebra I, Algebra 2, Geometry AHD: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2(H), Pre- Calculus(PFW MA 153) +Trig(PFW MA 154) AHD: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2, Probability/Statistics + Trig Math or Quantitative Reasoning(applied math) must be taken each year in high school for Core 40, AHD, and THD Foreign Language Recommend 2 years if college bound Spanish/German I II III: “C” Recommended Graduation Requirements Checklist Ensure you schedule any courses you may have to take over….
SAT/ACT Second semester juniors considering a 4 year college should take the SAT or ACT at least once this semester. For dates, location, cost, etc., visit the link below
Course Registration Steps to register for 2019-20 courses Check credits needed (use your Indiana diploma requirements checklist) Check grade level course selection sheet Access PowerSchool through the NHS Website If you do not know your login, please see Mrs. Grzych Enter courses under class registration
Click on the registration tab
Click on pencil icon to view course options for each subject.
Select the course(s) that meets your graduation requirement for each subject. You must press okay after each subject screen. If you are enrolling in an all year course, you must select both semesters. Once you have all required classes selected, choose electives. Your total should equal 14.
You are finished when the requesting credit hour number equals 14.
Due Dates Your counselor will have individual meetings with each of you starting January 18 – February 4 ICE, Career Exploration Internship, and Work-based learning Applications (Available in office)– End of Year