English and Maths Parents Workshop Year 1 & 2
English English overview can be found in your pack. The overview includes: Writing SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Reading REMEMBER – these are end of year objectives.
Handwriting Understand the difference between lower case and capital letters. Form the letters correctly. Don’t forget to get ready! As the children become confident with this style they move towards a more joined style. See separate sheets. Model handwriting and get ready stroke. Use the different colour lines to model where we start each letter and how the ascenders and decenders are formed. Also discuss how capital letters must be bigger. Model letters individually and then model how this gets them ready to join their letters.
Writing – composition Say out loud what they are going to write. Write the sentence. Re-read what they have written to check it makes sense. Discuss what they have written with their peers. Read aloud their writing. Link with SPaG.
SPaG – spelling list To be able to spell words containing the phonemes already taught. Common exception words. (See separate sheet) The days of the week. Also they need to be able to: Name the letters of the alphabet in order. Use letter names to distinguish between alternative spellings of the same sound e.g. ay, ai and a-e. Model the last point using the 3 sounds. Model like teaching the children same sound different appearance.
These words are in your child’s reading diary.
Working towards expected level. Teacher judgement. Working towards expected level.
Working at expected level.
Working at greater depth.
Send a Message - Frequently leave notes on pillows, desks, mirrors, wherever. Have your child write you a note in return. A family chalkboard or message board is a great tool for encouraging your child to write messages. Letters - Make letter writing a habit for your child. Have your child write letters to family and friends. Journals - On your child’s birthday, give him/her a special journal. Encourage your child to write in his/her journal as often as possible. Make a Menu - Let your child design and write the menu for a family dinner. This is a great activity that will keep a child busy while you are cooking. If some of the words are difficult, write them down on a separate sheet of paper for the child to copy.
Read 4x per week at home Guided or individual reading at school Weekly comprehension lessons Reading within the spelling programme
Accelerated Reader New English focus to improve outcomes in reading for pupils in Year 2 – Year 6. Early Years and Year 1 will continue to embed early reading skills. Detailed information will follow including passwords for your child. Book colours will be ceasing and your child will bring home a book with a ZPD. This is not something that you can do at home but you can follow the progress of your child. Please continue to read 4 times a week as your children will be ‘quizzed’ on their text. This is still rewarded with a pom pom. Reading targets can still be found in your child’s reading diary half-termly.
20 marks
20 marks
Phonics Groups Children are grouped according to their phonics ability and can be with children of different ages. Working on set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. http://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/resources/sound-pronunciation-guide/ Nonsense words (pseudo). Segmenting and blending. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Read-Write-Inc-Speed-PHONICS/dp/019846035X Show the parents set 1, 2 and 3 sound cards. Model segmenting and blending using a parent and MTYT.
Phonics Screening Check Interactive activity. Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds. Red and green words. Apps. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/phonics-test-uk/id527720198?mt=8 Adults to have a go at reading some of the words from previous tests. Look at and explain red and gree words, have them out for parents to see.
How to help at home Practise letter formation with a ‘get ready’ stroke. Read at home 4 times a week. Enjoy reading - share stories together. Practise reading and spelling the common exception words. Discuss new / unknown vocabulary together. Ask questions when you do read together. Download the phonics screening app.
Useful Websites to support English http://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/parents/ https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/phonics-test-uk/id527720198?mt=8
Maths overview can be found in your pack. Each lesson starts with daily counting Always starts with zero Daily Practice
Using concrete objects (cubes/counters) to help children understand Maths stories. 3 + 4 = 7 Builds up skill through Direct Instruction, Guided Practice, Independent Work, Partner teaching. Model acting out a maths story.
The names and properties of basic 2D and 3D shapes. The names and value of coins and notes up to £5.
Times Tables Year One 2x 5x 10x Year Two 2x 5x 10x 3x Times tables rocks https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/times-tables-rock-stars/id973811326?mt=8
When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables! From Year 1 (Summer Term) to Year 6. To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds! The goal is for all participating rockers to be Times Table Rock Stars after 20 weeks! All information, including your child’s login-details, will be sent home by Friday.
Year Two Paper 1 Arithmetic. 25 marks. Pupils are not allowed any equipment to support them for this paper
Paper 2 – Reasoning. Pupils are not allowed any equipment to support them for this paper, except a ruler. 35 marks.
Maximum score is 60. A scaled score of 100 is working at expected level.
Tom Gates trip – YR2 Crewe Lyceum Please see separate sheet for letter formation and number name practise sheets. Tom Gates trip – YR2 Crewe Lyceum
Thank you for coming Any questions?