Welcome to Sit in Your Child’s Seat Year 1 Thank you for coming today
General Routines Register is taken at 9:00 RWI at 905 or 935 Collective Worship is held at 905 or 935 Read, Write, Inc daily for 30 mins Daily run Maths and English every day PE on a Monday and Friday
Start and end of the day Children can come into the classroom from 8:45 onwards Independence Adults to sign children up if they are going on the bus Children to be dismissed from outside classroom Please let me know if someone different is picking child up
English – Percy the Park Keeper Sentence writing Full stops, exclamation marks, question marks Finger spaces Using and Capital letters Handwriting Writing on the line Letters the same size Reading Fluency increased Answering questions
Maths Place value – 0-100 Addition – numbers in 20, recognise = - + Subtraction – numbers in 20 Multiplication – using objects Money – recognise and know the value Time – hour and half an hour, days of week
Maths club Number bonds Ready for year 4 times table check
Theme - Please look after me… Science – animals and plants Computing – research History – timeline of how we have changed Art – creating artwork, looking at artists Dnt – creating a lunch RE – looking at Easter story and Jesus’ stories Pe – football/hockey/ gym Music – Ms Thompson on a Friday Phsce – Jigsaw lessons – working hard/ looking after me
Homework Reading (at least 3 times per week). This will be monitored weekly and recorded in Homework Books. Reading Rewards will continue. Checked on a Tuesday Spelling Practising spellings weekly – scores from tests recorded in Homework books. Tested on a Friday Learning counting in 2, 5 and 10’s. Plus one other piece of work – this will either be talk homework or handwriting. Project Homework Children will be able to pick an aspect of the theme that they have enjoyed and choose from a ‘Pick ‘n’ Mix’ selection of tasks. This will be for each theme – 3 times per year. Any feedback about homework will be appreciated
Progress through continuous provision Whole class teach Small group teach Learning plans and challenging ourselves Challenges in the provision Assessment ongoing – termly meetings
Phonics screening Carried out in June in a relaxed manner. Children will have to sound out (Fred talk) real words and ‘Alien’ words (made up words e.g. disp, murbs etc.) http://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/resources/s ound-pronunciation-guide/
Any other business Show and tell- on a Friday – topic related Appropriate weather for being outside Spare change of clothes Water bottles Book bags in each day Parent Volunteers PE Kit Top Bottom Footwear Navy/white t-shirt Black/navy shorts Black plimsolls Navy/white polo shirt Black/navy skort Trainers Navy sweatshirt Navy leggings Navy fleece (not full zip) Navy tracksuit bottoms
Dates and Events Animal dress up day – 14th February 2nd April – Bristol Zoo trip Trout from ARK
Open Door Policy If you wish to contact me I am always available at the beginning and end of the day in the classroom. Available for phone calls before and after the school day. Please keep chatting to us. Thank you for coming!
Home school agreement and online safety Please complete agreement Online safety –responsible use policy, responsible use agreement and use of digital video images. KS1 NSPCC Pants keeping-children-safe