WHAT IS BODY COMPOSITION? The amount of your body that is fat compared to that which is lean (tissue, bone, muscle) An important component of fitness for health and wellness To have a lower body fat percentage means to decrease risks for several chronic diseases People with higher body fat percentages tend to exercise less because it is too much work
MORE ABOUT BODY COMPOSITION Fat-free mass = all the body’s non-fat tissues: bone, water, muscle, connective tissue, organ tissue and teeth Essential fat = the necessary fat the body needs for normal body functioning 3 – 5 % in men 8 – 12 % in women Adipose tissue – stored in fat cells Subcutaneous fat = under the skin Visceral fat = around major organs The most important consideration is the proportion of the body’s total weight that is fat = percent body fat
ASSESSING BODY COMPOSITION Why? Provide you with information about health risks based on YOUR numbers Set a starting point for decisions about weight loss or gain Help establish reasonable goals
ASSESSING BODY COMPOSITION How? BMI – Body Mass Index (includes height and weight) Percent Body Fat Underwater weighing The Bod Pod Skinfold measurements - caliper Electronic BMI and BF% = Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Girth Measurements Waist Circumference
What is BMI? BMI stands for Body Mass Index BMI is another measurement for body composition It uses your height and weight to determine BMI What does BMI NOT take into account?
HEALTH ISSUES WITH TOO HIGH BODY FAT PERCENTAGE Type II Diabetes Heart disease High blood pressure Arthritis Gall stones Liver disease Lack of energy Difficulty in daily activities
HEALTH ISSUES WITH TOO LOW BODY FAT PERCENTAGE Heart problems Shrinking of internal organs Fragile bones Loss of reproductive function Stomach problems Loss of muscle Loss of energy
Ranges for Body Fat Percentage GIRLS Athletic = 13 – 20% Healthy/Fit = 21 – 24% Acceptable = 25 – 31% Overweight or Obese = above 32% Severely underweight = Less than 13% HEALTHY FITNESS ZONE = 13 - 32
Ranges for Body Fat Percentage BOYS Athletic = 7 - 13% Healthy/Fit = 14 - 17% Acceptable = 18 - 25% Overweight or Obese = 26% or above Severely underweight = Less than 7% HEALTHY FITNESS ZONE = 7-25%
Ranges for BMI – Body Mass Index Look yours up on page 81 in book GIRLS and BOYS Underweight = BMI is less than 18.5 Healthy = BMI is 18.5 to 24.9 Overweight = BMI is 25.0 to 29.9 Obese = BMI is 30.0 or higher
BODY TYPES Ectomorph Mesomorph Endomorph Choose which one you believe you are and write it on the body composition sheet
BODY TYPES Things to consider: What type of body does your mother have? What type of body does your father have? What type of body do your grandparents have? What type of body do your siblings have?
Measurement Tracker… What does this tell us? Why would we want to do this also? Can you SPOT REDUCE??
DO YOU WANT TO LOWER YOUR BODY FAT PERCENTAGE??? What should I do? The key for improving body composition is slow, long- term weight loss…not quick, fad diets that cause you to gain the weight you lost back…and then some Change your diet Eliminate high fat and high calorie foods Replace with lean proteins, fruits and vegetables Eliminate sugary drinks Replace with water Add exercise
NOT LOOKING TO LOSE WEIGHT?? BUT GAIN MUSCLE?? What should I do? If gaining weight is your goal, diet should still be healthy and include extra protein for growing stronger muscles Do not add high calorie and high fat foods, that will just add fat…not muscle… Exercise regularly including: Lifting HEAVY weights must be done regularly so muscles can hypertrophy (grow larger and stronger)
I AM HAPPY WITH WHERE I AM… WHAT SHOULD I DO??? Balance caloric intake with expenditure to maintain a healthy body composition Continue to eat a healthy diet Continue to exercise regularly
WEIGHT LOSS, GAIN OR MAINTENANCE = ENERGY INTAKE VERSUS ENERGY OUTPUT No matter what you eat or when - if the energy input(food/beverage consumed) exceeds the energy output (calories burned), the calories are stored as fat in the body One (1) pound of body fat = 3500 calories To lose one pound of body fat a person must burn 3500 calories more than they ate
BALANCE IS THE KEY!!! Caloric Intake vs Caloric Expenditure Calories In Calories Out
SETTING GOALS (page 85) Realistic and healthy Not everyone can be a body builder or model… Use long term and short term goals Set a body composition goal Set a target body weight Set a target body fat percentage Set a target BMI