Welcome to Mrs. Rodriguez’s 5th Grade Class Open House 2018-2019 Welcome to Mrs. Rodriguez’s 5th Grade Class
Our Agenda Expectations Communication Homework Policy Volunteer Hours Teacher/School Website Curriculum Attendance Policy Class Fees Grading Policy F.S.A. Information Technology
Student Expectations Students must be in class, silent, and seated by 8:15am. Students say good-bye at the driveway and walk to the building’s cafeteria. Students must bring their school ID, book bags, materials, and homework to school everyday. Students cannot bring permanent markers, toys, trading cards, hats, I-pods, electronic games, etc. to school. Fourth missed assignment, improper uniform, and misbehavior may lead to a detention. Three detentions for the same reason may lead to a referral with an administrator.
Visit my homepage via the school website Home-Learning Policy It is the student’s responsibility to copy HW in their agendas. Home-learning is checked daily. Home-learning must be completed entirely, neatly, and in pencil in your child’s own handwriting in order to receive full credit. If a student is absent, they are still responsible for completing the homework for that day the best they can and bring it the following day when they return to class. Home-learning MUST be done completely; meaning nothing is to be left blank. If the student does not understand something, they must show that they at least tried by not leaving anything blank, otherwise the homework is incomplete. 4th missed or incomplete HW assignment will result in a morning DETENTION and a lower conduct grade. Visit my homepage via the school website
Teacher Websites Go to www.elementary.somersetacademysilverpalms.net Click on the drop down menu “About Us” then click on “Staff Directory” Once you are the staff directory, please click teacher’s name (ex. “Cecilia Rodriguez”) Click on the class at the bottom.
Teacher Websites Click on “Add to my class list” and create an account. You will then get an email to activate the account. Please click on the activation button and you will begin getting emails about our class homework and due dates!
Attendance Policy If your child is absent, send an Absent Notification Form with him/her stating the reason for the absence and the dates they were absent, in order for it to be marked excused. Your child has 72 hours to return an ANF form to his/her homeroom teacher. Without an excused ANF, make up work will not be entered in the grade book. A Z (F) will be given for the missed assignment. Fifth tardy will result in a referral and a meeting with administration.
Grading Policy 10% Home-Learning, Participation, & Technology 30% Classwork 60% Test & Quizzes
Technology We will be using i-Ready for Math and Reading. Students must complete and pass 2 lessons each week AND spend at least 45 ACTIVE minutes on the program per subject. *Computer Lab*
Communication Communication is the key factor to the continued success of your child in school. Read and Sign the agenda daily. Primary source of contact and communication is via the agenda and email: cmrodriguez@somersetsilverpalms.net Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences are as needed and are scheduled in advance with myself and the other fifth grade teachers.
Volunteer Hours Must complete 30 hours (15 additional hours for each sibling) Volunteer hours can be achieved by: Becoming a part of the SASP parent club Donating candy or incentive items to the class Donating items for in-class activities Purchasing any of the items on the wish list (Retain Receipt) Every hour is equivalent to $3.33 Attending school field trips or assisting in the class. (Must be cleared by the county and school; meaning finger printing and a photo I.D.)
Reading & Language Arts Curriculum In Reading and Language Arts we use: Wonders Workshop & Practice Book Reading Comprehension Writing Test Skills Wordly Wise Vocabulary
Math Curriculum In Math we use: Go Math Book Lessons Homework Chapter Reviews
Class Fees Please submit payment for the following fees online by November 2nd Art: $5 Music: $5 http://www.onlinerene.com/fees_sasp/search.aspx When you type the student ID, all class fees owed for that student will populate. On the bottom is a section titled PAYMENT HISTORY. Any fee appearing in this section has been paid.
FSA and FCAT Testing When is it? FSA Writing 4/1-4/19 FCAT Science, FSA Math and Reading 5/1-5/14
Mark Your Calendars Hispanic Heritage Harvest Festival Trunk or Treat October 12th Harvest Festival October 27th Trunk or Treat Parent Volunteers to decorate the trunk of the cars and give out candy Candy Donations
Special Thanks To all the parents! Please don’t forget to sign-in If interested, please sign-up to be a room parent and/or part of the Parent Club There’s also a Parent/Teacher Conference sign-up sheet, please let me know your most convenient form of communication so we can set up a meeting