Department of Physical Therapy Student Reimbursement and Travel Procedures January 2019
Table of Contents Overview of DPT Reimbursement Guidelines: slide 3 Reimbursement Requests Not Requiring Travel: slide 4 Overview of DPT Student Travel: slide 5 Before You Travel: slide 6 What You Need to Know Before Making Travel Arrangements: slide 7 Required Student Travel Documents: slide 8 Sample Student Travel Planner: slide 9 Sample Release of Liability Waiver: slide 10 Sample Domestic Travel Expense Justification (TEJ): slide 11 Travel Reimbursement Overview: slide 12 Travel Reimbursement Policies: slide 13 Sample Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel: slide 14 Preparation of Receipts for Submittal: slide 15 - 16 Sample of Receipts for Submittal: slides 17-19 Sample of Vendor Data Record 204 Form: slide 20 Support: slide 21
Professional Development Funds Reimbursement Guidelines Students are allocated $1,000.00 for Professional Development Reimbursement in 2018-19. Professional Development Funds reimbursement may be requested for the following categories: Membership Dues Continuing Education and Scholarship Immunizations and Background Checks Study Guides and *Textbooks Travel Students must first become an American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) member before any professional development funds reimbursement can be requested. The first time a request for reimbursement is made, the student is required to submit a “Vendor Data Record 204 Form (VDR-204)” online. This form only needs to be submitted once. All Reimbursement Requests for 2018-19 Funds MUST Be Submitted BY May 17, 2019! Review DPT Student Professional Development Funds Reimbursement Guidelines for details: sement%20Guidelines.pdf Table of Contents
Reimbursement Requests Not Involving Travel Membership Dues, Continuing Education and Scholarship (NO travel involved), Immunizations and Background Checks, Textbooks* and Study Guides All expenditures must be pre-approved. Make the purchase and submit the receipt showing your name, amount paid and the method of payment, along with required backup documentation to ASC Teri Lyn Fretz. Teri Lyn will complete a Request for Reimbursement form and submit it for budget approval. Once approved, Teri Lyn will submit to Accounts Payable to issue the check. Checks are mailed to student’s home address on record per the Vendor Data Record Form, or updated Contact Information Sheet submitted. If you are unsure if an item is pre-approved, or what backup documentation is required, review the DPT Student Professional Development Funds Reimbursement Guidelines on the website. If still unclear contact Teri Lyn. *Textbooks MAY be reimbursable if student has not received financial aid in the current school year. Students are advised to review their financial aid specifications carefully prior to submitting for textbook reimbursement. Table of Contents
Overview of DPT Student Travel 1 Student to obtain travel forms from the DPT website. Complete and submit with supporting documents to ASC Teri Lyn Fretz a minimum of 30 days prior to travel. 2 Teri Lyn reviews travel paperwork and submits to Chair for approval. 3 4 *If an exemption is needed Teri Lyn forwards packet with Travel Exemption Justification to CHHS Dean and Provost Offices for approval. Chair signs/approves travel. 5 6 Student completes Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel, submits it to Teri Lyn, along with hard copies of supporting documents and the original itemized receipts within 30 days of completing travel. 7 Teri Lyn reviews Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel, supporting documents/receipts for accuracy, and obtains student signature. 8 Student travels. Student signs Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel. 9 10 11 Teri Lyn completes Reimbursement Request and submits with supporting documents to ASC II Heather Crummett for budget approval. Once approved, Reimbursement Request is submitted to Accounts Payable/UEI/UFSS for processing. Check is in the mail! Table of Contents
Before You Travel If you know you will be traveling on University business (conferences, professional development courses, etc.), you should notify your Department ASC – Teri Lyn Fretz, and complete all necessary paperwork at least 30 days prior to planned travel date so that approval and signatures can be obtained BEFORE you travel. Personal Vehicle – If you will be using your personal vehicle for any University travel, a Non-Employee Student/Volunteer Driver Authorization Packet must be completed and submitted to Teri Lyn BEFORE you travel the first time, you only need to complete the packet once. The packet includes the Vehicle Operation Authorization (VOA), the University Driver Authorization Process (DAP), the Volunteer Identification form (Not Required), and the Privately Owned Vehicle Use Authorization STD 261, which can be found at: Files-Configs/documents/forms/riskMgmt/StudentVolunteerDriverPacket.pdf Please see Risk Management’s Driving on University Business website for more information and instructions at: Table of Contents
What You Need To Know Before Making Travel Arrangements It is recommended to make all travel arrangements directly with the service providers, however IF you are planning to use discount travel websites; i.e. Expedia/Travelocity/Kayak to purchase your flight/hotel/rental car you must first confirm that they will provide an itemized receipt/breakdown of costs showing each item’s rate, taxes, and fees, along with your name, total paid, and method of payment (visa xxxx, cash etc.) as this is required for reimbursement. DO NOT use your personal points/rewards for hotels or airfare. The CSU WILL NOT reimburse you for the dollar value; only for the amount that is out of pocket. Airline Reservations – Southwest Airlines is the University’s primary vendor. Book directly with an airline if possible. If traveling with family, book and pay for your families expenses separately – air, lodging, meals, etc. Rental Cars – Enterprise Rent-a-Car is the State of California’s primary rental car vendor and is recommended. When you use Enterprise to book your rental car for University travel let them know you are a CSUS student, as it includes insurance coverage. Should you need a rental car, please review the University guidelines and procedure at: Lodging – It’s best to book your reservation directly with the hotel. Please note, the CSU maximum lodging rate is $275.00 per night (excluding taxes) regardless if you will be sharing the cost with other students. *If the per night rate is above $275.00 because you will be sharing the cost with other students, you must provide justification information including all names of those sharing the lodging, to ASC Teri Lyn Fretz, so she can complete the “Lodging Rate Exception*” portion of the Travel Expense Justification Form, and get approval from the Provost prior to booking/travel. Table of Contents
Required Student Travel Documents All student travel will require the following items be submitted a minimum of 30 days before travel: Vendor Data Record 204 (1 time only, see example on slide 19) Completed DPT Student Travel Planner (see example on slide 9) Release of Liability Waiver (see example on slide 10) Justification Statement for lodging expenses over $275.00 per night IF applicable. (Travel Expense Justification form will then be completed by ASC, see example on slide 11) Driver Authorization Packet *IF using a personal vehicle (See slide 6) Table of Contents
-Sample- Student Travel Planner A completed Student Travel Planner estimating travel expenses must be submitted to DPT ASC to obtain Chair approval, a minimum of 30 days prior to travel. Purpose of trip needs to include reason/details for lodging of more than $275.00 per night (when sharing lodging with other students) for DPT ASC to prepare Travel Expense Justification form. Table of Contents
-Sample- Release of Liability Waiver A completed Release of Liability Waiver must be submitted to DPT ASC prior to any type of travel for University Business, regardless if any expenses will be claimed. Table of Contents
-Sample- Domestic Travel Expense Justification (TEJ) NOTE: This form will be completed by the DPT ASC * IF a Lodging Rate Exception is needed for students sharing lodging at a base rate of more than the $275.00 per night maximum, before fees and taxes. Table of Contents
Travel Reimbursement Overview After you have completed your travel, you will need to submit the following to the DPT ASC Teri Lyn Fretz within 30 days: Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel – Hard Copy and Electronic Format (See slide 14) All original itemized receipts. (See slides 15-19) All supporting documents: Detailed Conference Program/Agenda. If too large, provide URL. Letter of Acceptance / Letter of Invitation (if applicable) Abstract or Research Project Outline (if applicable) Map showing miles between destinations - if personal vehicle was used and claiming mileage Any other necessary information related to travel. Teri Lyn will review Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel and make any necessary adjustments. Teri Lyn will contact you to come and sign Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel when completed. Teri Lyn will have DPT Chair/Budget Administrator sign the Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel and submit to Accounts Payable for processing. Check will be mailed to you. Table of Contents
Travel Reimbursement Policies To be reimbursed for travel expenses, fully itemized receipts are required for all travel purchases - Airfare, Hotel, Meals, Conference Registration, etc. Please NOTE: You will only be reimbursed UP TO the total Professional Development Fund allocation of $1,000.00 per school/fiscal year. Travel of Less Than 24 Hours: When the entire length of a trip is less than 24 hours, Internal Revenue Service regulations state that meals and incidental expenses shall not be reimbursed unless the travel includes an “overnight stay” as supported by a lodging receipt. Meals – You may only claim meals if the conference or event you are attending does not provide them, a Conference Brochure or Daily Schedule/Agenda is required. You may claim actual cost of meals up to $55 per day. ALCOHOL is NOT reimbursable. Do NOT share a tab/split the bill. Each individual needs to pay for their own meals and obtain their own itemized receipts. Incidentals – Can only be claimed after the first 24 hours of travel, and only up to $7 per day. If the incidental expense was a cash tip (taxi/maid service, etc.), write the amount of tip on the receipt it applies to. Mileage – You may claim mileage to-and-from the airport or destination. If traveling during normal working/class hours, mileage is calculated from Sac. State to airport/destination. If you have any questions, contact DPT ASC - Teri Lyn Fretz. Table of Contents
Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel -Sample- Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel Student completes and emails worksheet to ASC Teri Lyn Fretz, and turns in a hard copy with copies of supporting documents within 30 days of completing travel. Teri Lyn will review, make corrections/adjustments if needed, and print to obtain student signature. See slides 15-18 for details on submitting required documents and receipts. Table of Contents
Preparation of Receipts After you have completed your travel, you need to submit ALL of your itemized receipts and supporting documentation to ASC Teri Lyn Fretz within 30 days. Any receipts smaller than 8 ½ x 11 need to be taped on One Side Only of a piece of plain white 8 ½ x 11 (copy) paper with your name written on the top. Prepare receipts as follows: Conference Registration – Receipt/Invoice. Highlight your name, date, method of payment, and amount paid. Airfare – Receipt/documentation must show your name, payment and flight information; date/time/flight number for all flights. Highlight your name, method of payment, and amount paid. Lodging – Receipt showing the daily charges, fees, and taxes, with a zero dollar balance due. Highlight your name, method of payment, and total amount paid. * If you shared lodging, individual who paid bill will need to list the names of all individuals that shared in the cost and the cost per person. If individuals paid you directly via cash/check you need to provide them with a receipt/statement with their name, method of payment, and amount paid. Please contact Teri Lyn if you have questions. Meals & Incidentals – Itemized receipts are required. Please gather the receipts in chronological order and tape them to plain white (copy) paper on one side only. Write your name at the top of each piece of paper and write breakfast/lunch/dinner/incidental on each receipt or on the paper next to the receipt. Highlight the date, method of payment, and total paid/claiming. If you have 2 separate receipts for 1 purchase (1 itemized & 1 showing the payment) please write “part 1” and “part 2” on them. *Alcohol is not reimbursable. If the vendor does not provide itemized receipts, take a picture of the full menu to submit with the receipt and write the items ordered on the receipt or piece of paper it’s attached to. Table of Contents
Preparation of Receipts Reminder: Any receipts smaller than 8 ½ x 11 need to be taped on One Side Only of a piece of plain white 8 ½ x 11 (copy) paper with your name written on the top. Prepare receipts as follows: Parking/Shuttle/Train/Taxi/Tolls – Tips are reimbursable. Highlight the date of service, method of payment, and total paid. If the receipt does not include a cash tip, write the tip amount and new total paid on the receipt. You can include these in chronological order on the papers with the meals, or separately. Mileage - If a personal vehicle was used and claiming mileage, provide map & directions showing starting/ending points and miles traveled (Mapquest/Google Maps,etc.). The vehicle license number must be entered on the Travel Worksheet for Non-Employee Travel. Additional Supporting Documents: Detailed Conference Program. If too large, provide URL. Letter of Invitation/Letter of Acceptance/Abstract or Research Project Outline Table of Contents
Conference Information and Agenda Samples Table of Contents
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-Sample- Vendor Data Record (204 Form) This number is required for all reimbursements/payments the University makes, aside from Payroll payments. Go to: to complete and submit the online form. Here is some information to assist you in filling out the form: Section 2 Name & Address - Vendor’s Legal Business Name will be Your Legal Name, leave DBA blank, Mailing Address is Your Mailing Address, Email can be your student email or your personal email, Make Checks Payable To will be Your Name as you would like it to be printed on the check. Section 3 – Check as appropriate Section 4 Vendor Entity - Check Individual/Sole Proprietor and enter your Social Security Number in the first box. Section 5 Vendor Activity – Check Non-employee travel re-imbursement Section 6 and 7 – Check as appropriate Section 8 Certifying Signature – Check box and complete as appropriate. Click Submit. If you have any questions, contact ASC Teri Lyn Fretz. Table of Contents
Administrative Support Coordinator Department of Physical Therapy If you have any questions, or need assistance, please feel free to contact me! ~Teri Lyn Fretz Administrative Support Coordinator Department of Physical Therapy 916-278-6426