Modern & contemporary World Literature
Modernism A literary movement that flourished during the first half of the twentieth century; January 1901- December 2000. Art forms of the past could not adequately capture human experience and the reality of the modern world. Writers found a new way to talk about their world. Separate movements: Surrealism, absurdism, expressionism, and futurism
Postmodernism Appeared after World War II Focused on: alienation, despair, and concepts of personal identity Gave a voice to issues and concerns that had been left unsaid or only hinted at in literature Every voice is valid
globalization Process of increasing interdependence of businesses, technologies, services and labor throughout the world in the last quarter century. Transforming social, political and economic activities and leading to worldwide systems of interconnection.
Information age The period beginning in the late twentieth century when publications and computer networks made information easily accessible. Social Media, TV, Internet, Billboard (electronic), magazines, newspapers Digital Divide: Many people throughout the world still lack information resources and ready access to telephones, computers, and the Internet.
assignment 4 Groups 3 Sections Directions: Read your assigned section as a group. Take note of the parts that you believe are most important. Teach the lesson to your classmates :game show, quiz, drama, short story.
Sections: Pages 844-855 Group 1: World War I; World War II;The Cold War Group 2: The Emergence of Modern States; Science Technology and the Information Age; Artistic Response to the Modern World Group 3: Modernism in Literature; Responses to War; Post Modernism Group 4: Cultural Identity and Literature; The Rise of the Women’s Movement; World Literature: Unity and Diversity