Minooka Strategic Planning Strategy Action Plans PDSA Training Minooka Strategic Planning Strategy Action Plans
What do we hope to accomplish today? \ What do we hope to accomplish today?
Purpose/ Outcomes Mine Yours Review the components of the Strategic Plan Discuss the formation of a strategy action team. Learn about the roles and responsibilities of team members. Learn about the coordination of all action teams. Learn about the history and process of the Plan Do Study Act Cycle for Learning and Improvement Address the each component of Plan Do Study Act Develop a shared understanding of how to construct and communicate a strategy action plan
Mission, Vision, Values Strategies Indicators Measures Targets Goals
will help us be certain our \ What background will help us be certain our work today is grounded in the context of previous work?
Strategic Plan SWOT Analysis Preferred Future Statement Scorecard Draft
MINOOKA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 111 DRAFT SWOT ANALYSIS MINOOKA HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 111 DRAFT SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS: What do we consider to be our strengths? What advantages do we have? What do others say our strengths are? Student safety Graduation rate Student attendance High quality staff Rigorous and varied curriculum opportunities Athletics and extra-curricular activities Teacher retention Student Pride Fiscal responsibility: Balanced budget, reducing deficit WEAKNESSES: What do we consider to be our weaknesses? What are we most criticized for or receive the most complaints about? What do we seem to have a hard time doing well? Debt management SAT scores Achievement gaps Communication of college and career expectations to students and parents Cultural awareness and diversity Current use of and access to technology Career readiness Aging Infrastructure OPPORTUNITIES: What opportunities for improvement do we know about, but have not addressed? Where with a little work could we change a weakness into a strength? Future integration and use of technology Accuracy and analysis of data for decision-making Improved accountability of students and staff New opportunities to communicate with parents Grants and other revenue sources to improve and expand programs and facilities Partnerships with business and other agencies Use of land and building space to grow to enhance teaching and learning THREATS: Who or what threatens us the most? What challenges are coming that we must respond to? What might block our progress? State funding State and Federal unfunded mandates Increasing student growth/population Increasing diversity Future spending to address critical needs
Mastery, Collaboration, & High Expectations, and Success OUR MISSION OUR VISION WHY WE EXIST WHERE WE ARE HEADED Strengthen Mastery, Collaboration, High Expectations, and Success for all students. MCHS students are success-ready when they: Think critically and demonstrate mastery of academic learning expectations. Solve problems collaboratively. Demonstrate a growth mindset through strong effort and continuous improvement. Embrace individual differences. Have the interpersonal skills and confidence to be successful in the workplace. Explore college, career and other post-high school opportunities. OUR VALUES WHAT WE STAND FOR Continuous Improvement Collaboration High Expectations Integrity Resilience Respect Responsibility Service
OUR GOALS AND STRATEGIES WHAT WE WILL ACHIEVE WHAT IS OUR PRIORITY WORK Goal One Goal Two Goal Three Goal Four Goal Five Student Growth and Achievement Supportive Learning Environment District, School and Staff Effectiveness Engaged Families & Community Resource Efficiencies Improve academic growth and achievement of all students. Provide a safe, supportive, and productive environment focused on learning. Recruit, develop and retain great teachers and leaders to achieve the district’s mission and vision. Enhance learning partnerships by connecting schools, families and communities. Develop shared accountability and trust through the alignment and transparency of district resources. Key Performance Measures will be established for all goals and strategies to be able to monitor and report progress. Strategies Aligned to Goal One Strategies Aligned to Goal Two Strategies Aligned to Goal Three Strategies Aligned to Goal Four Strategies Aligned to Goal Five Provide clear learning expectations, quality assessment feedback, and differentiated instruction to ensure college and/or career readiness. Continue to build a safe environment that promotes social and emotional confidence in students. Maximize the use of resources and motivate students to be engaged, self-sufficient, life-long learners. Actively develop a positive workplace environment through effective collaboration and communication, meaningful professional development, opportunities for voice and input, and trust between and among administration and staff. Implement a district-wide data system to: Collect and analyze, inform professional development and instruction, Monitor progress and report performance. Develop new ways to engage families and the community to partner in the education of MCHS students. Proactively enhance programs, services, and district facilities all through allocation and alignment of district resources. This reflects the Priorities aligned to the current 5 goals and strategies from this past year
Professional Development/ Support Strategy Action Plan Goal One Strategy 1.1: Provide clear learning expectations, quality assessment feedback, and differentiated instruction to ensure college and/or career readiness. Task Evidence Professional Development/ Support Resources
Align the Plan’s strategies to PDSA action plan steps Ensure a consistent plan template Ensure a consistent plan process Provide feedback in the development of the plans Approve action plans Understand the power of PDSA PDSA at all levels
How do we form a strategy action team? \ How do we form a strategy action team? What are the roles and responsibilities of team members
“The FRONT line is the BOTTOM line.” Stephen Covey Champions Action Team Members
Selecting the Action Team What should the size be? How do we know the team is representative? How do we encourage expertise? Who selects? What are key roles? Research and investigation Change agents with commitment Trusted communicators and collaborators
Champion Follow the process Connect back to SWOT and Mission, Vision and Values Connect back to Goals and Key Measures Connect the dots Break into understandable steps. Keep it simple Transparency and Clarity When to push and when not to Limit and sequence Prepare and make meetings actionable Lead the team to make decisions
Why is it critical for the district to coordinate and communicate the work of the strategy action teams?
Why do we need a systematic process? \ Why do we need a systematic process?
Common Language Horizontal Alignment Systematic Vertical Alignment Systemic
Why is it important to begin with a clear understanding of why the strategic plan team selected this strategy as one that needs priority attention?
Strategies Aligned to Goal One Strategies Aligned to Goal Two Three Strategies Aligned to Goal Four Strategies Aligned to Goal Five Provide clear learning expectations, quality assessment feedback, and differentiated instruction to ensure college and/or career readiness. Continue to build a safe environment that promotes social and emotional confidence in students. Maximize the use of resources and motivate students to be engaged, self-sufficient, life-long learners. Actively develop a positive workplace environment through effective collaboration and communication, meaningful professional development, opportunities for voice and input, and trust between and among administration and staff. Implement a district-wide data system to: Collect and analyze, inform professional development and instruction, Monitor progress and report performance. Develop new ways to engage families and the community to partner in the education of MCHS students. Proactively enhance programs, services, and district facilities all through allocation and alignment of district resources.
Plan Do Study Act Background information Next steps Set goals Baseline data Was strategy successful? Yes – Implement No – Analyze why Plan for Continuous Improvement Define System Standardize Improvement ACT Analyze data Assess Current Situation PLAN STUDY Study the Results DO Compare new data with baseline data Try Out Improvement Theory Analyze Causes Brainstorm strategy for improvement Implement strategies and collect data
PLAN for the improvement Planning is necessary to: define the strategy, determine the data system that will help us measure progress, research carefully and learn from others what to do differently to make the greatest impact, and develop the best practices for the action plan.
DO: Try out the Improvement IF . . . . . THEN Doing means carrying out the plan. Test the best practices to ensure they make a difference. Execute. Decide the scale. Document observations, including any problems and unexpected findings. Collect data you identified as needed during the “plan” stage. Be sure to align the resources. Provide sufficient time, support, and professional development as they are critical to effectively implementing the improvement theory.
STUDY the results… Studying means learning about the effectiveness of your execution by progress monitoring and analyzing your data. This is the progress monitoring and reporting stage. Look for growth and improvement from where we were. Determine if the change resulted in the desired outcome. Summarize what was learned. Look for: unintended consequences, surprises, successes, failures.
ACT on what you’ve learned Acting is making a decision about what is working and what is not working. Based on what was learned from the study: Adapt – modify the changes and repeat PDSA cycle. Adopt – consider expanding the changes in your organization to additional staff, schools, and units. Abandon – change your approach and repeat PDSA cycle.
\ Reflection Check for Understanding
What does this look like in \ What does this look like in action?
Plan Do Study Act Background information Next steps Set goals Baseline data Was strategy successful? Yes – Implement No – Analyze why Plan for Continuous Improvement Define System Standardize Improvement ACT Analyze data Assess Current Situation PLAN STUDY Study the Results DO Compare new data with baseline data Try Out Improvement Theory Analyze Causes Brainstorm strategy for improvement Implement strategies and collect data
PLAN for the improvement KEY QUESTIONS Define the issue: Why did the strategic plan team select this as a high priority strategy that needs attention? Where are we now? What have we been doing? Where do we want to be? How do we hope to be better down the road? WHAT ARE THE DESIRED OUTCOMES? Assess the current situation: How do we know? What current data and/or information describes the results of our current efforts? What can we learn from others about our current efforts? How do we build ownership at the start from those on the front line? How will we know as we address this strategy if we are improving? WHAT WILL SERVE AS OUR EVIDENCE? Analyze the current situation: What will we do differently? (best practice) What are others doing to address this problem? (investigations) How will we select one or two best practices to try that will have the greatest impact on our desired outcomes? What support or resources will we need? WHAT WILL BE OUR NEW PRACTICESS AND OUR RESOURCES?
Plan Do Study Act Background information Next steps Set goals Baseline data Was strategy successful? Yes – Implement No – Analyze why Plan for Continuous Improvement Define System Standardize Improvement ACT Analyze data Assess Current Situation PLAN STUDY Study the Results DO Compare new data with baseline data Try Out Improvement Theory Analyze Causes Brainstorm strategy for improvement Implement strategies and collect data
DO: Try out the Improvement KEY QUESTIONS Best Practice: What have we decided is a best practice(s) and something we are not all doing now that might be a good investment for us all to begin to do to change our results? Desired Outcome: What do we hope to see change in our results from this change in practice? ARE WE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO DIFFERENTLY AND WHAT RESULTS WE HOPE TO ACHIEVE? Evidence/Data: What data or other information will we collect to see if our efforts are paying off and we are making progress? Resources: What resources are critical to the success of this implementation: Time? Training? Financial? People-coaching, support, etc? DO WE KNOW WHAT DATA OR INFORMATION WILL GUIDE OUR GROWTH AND IMPROVEMENT AND DO WE HAVE THE RESOURCES WE NEED TO DO IT WELL?
Strategy Action Plan Template Best Practice Desired Outcome Evidence/ Data Resources
In addition to the template there will be a blueprint that details: Who Will do What By when With Whom With what Resources
Plan Do Study Act Background information Next steps Set goals Baseline data Was strategy successful? Yes – Implement No – Analyze why Plan for Continuous Improvement Define System Standardize Improvement ACT Analyze data Assess Current Situation PLAN STUDY Study the Results DO Compare new data with baseline data Try Out Improvement Theory Analyze Causes Brainstorm strategy for improvement Implement strategies and collect data
STUDY the results… WHAT ARE WE LEARNING? When will we progress monitor? How will our evidence be collected and analyzed? To whom will we report our progress? How will we celebrate our success? How will we make adjustments for improvement? Why will it be important to consider growth? WHAT ARE WE LEARNING? How can this data be helpful in setting targets for improvement over time? How will we make it safe for us to share data and information? How will we make it safe to take risks, experiment, innovate, make mistakes? How can we make it safe to learn from one another? HOW WILL WE ENSURE A SAFE CLIMATE TO LEARN?
Compare the results to the baseline data… What did you expect to happen ? What ACTUALLY happened ? What accounts for the difference?
Plan Do Study Act Background information Next steps Set goals Baseline data Was strategy successful? Yes – Implement No – Analyze why Plan for Continuous Improvement Define System Standardize Improvement ACT Analyze data Assess Current Situation PLAN STUDY Study the Results DO Compare new data with baseline data Try Out Improvement Theory Analyze Causes Brainstorm strategy for improvement Implement strategies and collect data
OR Modified? OR Abandoned? BASED ON YOUR STUDY DATA AND INFORMATION Should this plan be implemented? OR Modified? OR Abandoned?
Plan Do Study Act Background information Next steps Set goals Baseline data Was strategy successful? Yes – Implement No – Analyze why Plan for Continuous Improvement Define System Standardize Improvement ACT Analyze data Assess Current Situation PLAN STUDY Study the Results DO Compare new data with baseline data Try Out Improvement Theory Analyze Causes Brainstorm strategy for improvement Implement strategies and collect data
What does this look like in \ What does this look like in the classroom?
\ What are the BIG takeaways from today? What questions are in your minds? What excites you?