Update on the TEA Sped corrective action plan Principals’ meeting October 2018
Tea strategic action plan: primary focus areas Monitoring Identification, Evaluation, and FAPE Training, Support, and Development Student, Family, and Community Engagement Technical Assistance Networks The strategic action plan is the expanded response to the corrective actions required by the USED. The plan proposed by TEA is still pending acceptance by the Dept. The plan focuses on these 5 areas as we introduced at August Leadership. There are specific
Corrective Actions Lea responsibilities fall 2018 1b. LEAs annually confirm that their local special education policies and practices are in compliance with federal and state requirements Done in the Legal Framework and the grant application TEA identified 15 actions in four areas in the corrective action plan. Today’s session focuses on the 4 specific actions required of each LEA at this time. The Special Education Department submits the assurances related to this item.
Corrective Actions Lea responsibilities fall 2018 2a. LEAs annually distribute information to every enrolled student’s family regarding the following: Child find and FAPE requirements Parent and students’ rights under IDEA Contact information necessary to request an initial evaluation for a student they suspect of having a disability Student Handbook Child Find Notice on web Elementary handbook p. 60 and 61 Secondary handbook p. 8-9 Campus administrators and leadership teams should be familiar with the requirements. Remember that the Child Find obligation extends to students not in enrollment, including students attending private schools and homeschool within the district.
Corrective Actions Lea responsibilities fall 2018 2c. LEAS to collect and retain requests for evaluation data that includes the reason for the request and whether additional services are needed including the timeline for implementation. Referral and evaluation data Additional services or supports needed in the areas of related services, supplementary aids & services, program modifications, and supports for personnel We are required to collect data July 1 to June 30. In the past, we only reported the number of evaluations, whether completed within timelines, and whether eligibility was established. Additional details will be collected this year, and the speech pathologists, diagnosticians, and LSSPs will have key roles in the process. These items are discussed in more detail on the following slides.
Referral and evaluation data Verbal Requests Written Requests Notice and consent to evaluate or prior written notice of decision not to evaluate 15-school-day timeline for response to written requests Does the reason indicate a claim that the child should have been referred prior to the current year? As noted in the Child Find information included in the handbook, requests may be made be parents or staff and may be made verbally or in writing. The district must still comply with all federal prior written notice and procedural safeguard requirements.
Additional services or supports needed
Corrective Actions Lea responsibilities fall 2018 3c. LEAS share resources with the parents of children suspected of having a disability that describe the differences between RtI, state dyslexia program, §504, and special education TEA publishing 4 documents To be distributed now* and annually by the District TEA was supposed to release the documents by September 1, and LEAs were to distribute by the end of October. However, the materials have not yet been released. The Special Education Department will post the documents and will inform principals when that occurs. Plans for additional release will be finalized once we see the documents.
Questions? Brian Kelly, Director Katy Davis, Director Appraisal staff assigned to the campus