Virginia Case Management System Leadership Network: Roadmap Through Migration March 2015
Agenda Topic Content Time Welcome & Executive Message Welcome from Commissioner Schultze 9:30 – 9:40 (10 min) Agenda Review Review the meeting agenda 9:40 – 9:50 (10 min) Who is the Leadership Network? Introduce Yourself- Name, Title, Local Dept., Number of Years 9:50-10:10 (20 min) Setting the stage Presented By: Angie Beachy and Dottie Wells VaCMS Roadmap 10:10 – 11:10 (60 min) Where are we now? What is going well? What challenges are you facing? 11:10 – 11:40 (30 min) Where do we want go? Small Group (including lunch): What does success look like? Debrief 11:40 – 1:00 (80 min) Modernization Panel Discussion Panel – Skip Steinhauser, Dottie Wells, J.R. Simpson, Barb Newlin, and Angie Beachy DMIS (25 min) SNAP Pilot (25 min) ABD /LTC Conversion (25 min) Training (25 min) 1:00 – 2:40 (100 min) Questions & Next Steps Group Discussion: What is the future of the group? Next Meeting Logistics 2:40-3:00 (20 min) Subsequent meeting have a speaker talk about culture. Second meeting at the league conference. 2 hour meeting. Set up time for training: Panel: Steve McColey, Chris Mccoley, OCM (Angie Beachy) 3/12- Lynchburg – 2/6 invite will be sent out
VaCMS Leadership Network Purpose Provide a forum for home office and local department leaders to share information and best practices regarding the service delivery system of the future Primary Objectives Receive the information and tools necessary to make informed decisions while leading departments through VaCMS transitions Provide feedback on gaps in information that need to be addressed Share lessons learned and best practices with each other Secondary Objectives Create a network of VaCMS advocates Learn new perspectives on how to best lead departments through various implementations Provide a leadership perspective regarding ongoing VaCMS activities
Getting to Know Each Other
Who is the Leadership Network? If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams Introduce yourself: Name Title Local Department Years of Experience
Setting the Stage
Prior to Modernization Historically, LDSS used separate systems and processes to manage benefit programs. Workers maintained cases in multiple systems or used manual processes to manage benefits Client interacted with multiple workers across benefit programs Local departments used paper files or office specific imaging systems Programs Processed in ADAPT (MA F&C, SNAP, TANF) Benefit Worker Program Processed in EAP (LIHEAP) Benefit Worker or Seasonal Contractor Program processed in VACIS (Child Care) Customers apply in person, through mail, or fax using paper applications Workers are specialized based on the various systems or manual processes Client submits paper application Child Care Worker Program processed in CHAMPS (FAMIS) FAMIS CPU Program processed manually (MA ABD & LTC) Benefit Worker
Modernization Goals VDSS envisions VaCMS as the enterprise case management system to manage social services benefits for the citizens of Virginia. Modernization accomplishes the following: Provides one integrated case management system to manage all benefit programs Reduces maintenance costs for technology Improves self-service options for customers Enables future business transformation and a streamlined benefit delivery system Provides the right tools to manage performance (reports and dashboards)
Progress to Date Advancements include: 2005 - VDSS introduced a new “to be” business model 2011 - VaCMS is implemented for Child Care 2012 - CommonHelp provides an online application portal 2013 – MAGI MA goes live in VaCMS 2014 – Converted ongoing MA F&C cases from ADAPT and CHAMPS and significantly increased the percentage of applications processed
Local departments must adapt to each major release to maintain success The Road Ahead The implementation of VaCMS for Child Care (CC) and then MAGI marked the beginning of our journey. As we continue our transformation, there are several more turns before we arrive at an integrated system. 3/29/2015 Streamlined Applications 4/15/2016 Migration Phase 2 8/4/2015 Migration Phase 1 1 3 2 Local departments must adapt to each major release to maintain success
Train Staff and Supervisors Keys to Success Manage by the Numbers Set performance targets by tracking the volume, timeliness, and accuracy of applications, renewals, and changes processed at the department, unit and worker level Monitor compliance against the standards to identify areas for improvement Train Staff and Supervisors Track staff and manager’s training attendance Develop strategies to support workers and managers struggling to meet performance standards Train new workers on VaCMS and related programs and allow experienced workers to manage programs in legacy systems Educate Customers Encourage customers to use CommonHelp to apply for benefits Inform MA customers of the multiple options to apply for Health Insurance (CoverVa, CommonHelp, and the FFM) Manage Workloads Assess workloads for all programs (MA, CC, SNAP, TANF, and LIHEAP) Balance volume by having workers with lower workloads help manage workload increases due to higher application volumes (MA) or implementation activities, such as data conversion Maintain a flexible workforce to enable the use of all resources available Talking points: WE have seen local departments be so focused on having workers work on one area, when intake is getting overworked, they don’t have ongoing workers help with intake
Streamlined Applications – March 2015 New Features: CommonHelp will provide applicants the option to apply for MA only or to apply for all programs VaCMS will split mixed MA and Child Care applications from CommonHelp and RDE into two separate applications CommonHelp will have the capability to perform near real time eligibility for applicants who provide the necessary information 3/29/2015 Streamlined Applications 1 Business Impact: Clients may have questions about the application options and near real time eligibility Offices will need to prepare to handle MA and Child Care applications separately, workers should be aware client information is still shared - We will highlight the new features of each release, business impacts and some considerations for you as you lead your department. The considerations may not apply to all departments and we want to start the conversation with these ideas. We want to hear other ideas that you all have been thinking about.
Streamlined Applications – Considerations Train front lobby staff and community partners on changes and added benefits to CommonHelp so they can address customer questions and concerns Create a plan to coordinate between Child Care and Benefit workers who share clients Make a note in the case comments to contact each other when changes are reported - We will highlight the new features of each release, business impacts and some considerations for you as you lead your department. The considerations may not apply to all departments and we want to start the conversation with these ideas. We want to hear other ideas that you all have been thinking about.
Migration Phase 1 – August 2015 Migration Phase 1 brings the remaining MA categories into the VaCMS SNAP, TANF, and LIHEAP remain outside of the VaCMS Central Printing reduces printing and mailing costs for MA and CC DMIS reduces the reliance on paper files for MA and CC cases for LDSS without an imaging system and enables the electronic transfer of case documents across Virginia for MA and CC Programs not in the VaCMS still rely on paper files or LDSS imaging systems and will continue to have local departments print and mail notices. DMIS – MA verifications stored electronically Client submits paper application Client applies through CommonHelp Client applies through call center for MA VACMS (Programs Processed: MA F&C, ABD, LTC, Childcare ) Centralized printing. Mails notices to customers DMIS Programs Processed in ADAPT (SNAP, TANF) Program Processed in EAP (LIHEAP) Benefit worker for MA or Child Care or CPU for MA only apps Client applies through FFM for MA Central Printing- 30 of 71 forms and notices printed centrally (Projected 4.5 million annually)
Migration Phase 1 – August 2015 New Features: Remaining MA programs will be processed in VaCMS A statewide Document Management Imaging System (DMIS) will be integrated with the VaCMS Central printing of many notices and forms 8/4/2015 Migration Phase 1 2 Business Impacts: A single client record will exist in VaCMS for all MA programs and Child Care client’s information, which requires coordination between caseworkers when they share clients Ongoing ABD/LTC cases will require a conversion process which will create an additional temporary workload DMIS will ease retrievability of documents and decrease multiple requests to clients which increases efficiency & productivity Reduction in paper , stamp, ink, and resources needed for printing and mailing leads to cost savings for local departments DMIS will require staff to scan, upload, and index documents Potential increase in attrition due to workforce having to adopt a new system and process
Migration Phase 1 – Considerations Start exposing ABD/LTC workers to the VaCMS now to process Plan First and FFM referrals to ease the transition to the VaCMS Take advantage of the single client record by having one worker manage cases with combinations of F&C, ABD, and LTC programs Plan to have administrative or temporary staff manually enter ABD/LTC ongoing case information in the VaCMS to reduce data entry burden on eligibility workers Train workers proficient in the VaCMS on ABD or LTC policy so they can work on ABD or LTC cases in the VaCMS to offset the productivity decrease resulting from workers transitioning to the VaCMS Local departments without DMIS can plan how to transition from paper to electronic files in VaCMS and develop policies and procedures for managing paper and electronic files. Local departments with local DMIS can evaluate how the statewide DMIS impacts current policies and procedures In anticipation of potential staff turnover, develop a strategy to retain high performers and hire quality workers for VaCMS
Migration Phase 2 – April 2016 Migration Phase 2 brings all benefit programs into the VaCMS Bringing the remaining benefit programs into DMIS further reduces reliance on paper files for local departments and enables the electronic transfer of case documents for all programs across Va Central printing for additional programs further reduces printing and mailing costs Local departments should consider how to organize to deliver benefits most efficiently after all programs are in the VaCMS DMIS – All program verifications stored electronically VACMS (Programs Processed: MA, SNAP, TANF, Child Care, LIHEAP) By Year 2016 Multi-Functional Benefit program specialist or CPU for MA Centralized printing. Mails notices to customers DMIS Client submits paper application Client applies through CommonHelp Client applies through call center for MA Client applies through FFM for MA
2 Migration Phase 2 – April 2016 3 New Features: Business Impacts: TANF, SNAP & LIHEAP, VIEW, and SNAPET processing in the VaCMS Fraud functionality & Quality Controls 4/15/2016 Migration Phase 2 3 2 Business Impacts: A single client record will exist in VaCMS for benefit programs VaCMS skills will be critical to success and expertise in legacy systems becomes less valuable. New worker training becomes easier because trainees only need to learn one system Despite an automated conversion, workload will temporarily increase for pre-conversion cleanup in legacy systems
2 Migration Phase 2 – Considerations Considerations: Asses volume of individual programs and how often they overlap to determine how many workers need to be dedicated to specific programs. Plan to train workers incrementally with them learning the highest volume programs first Determine at what point prior to go-live to stop training new workers on legacy programs and only train new workers in VaCMS while experienced workers focus on programs in legacy systems Consider how the department is organized to deliver benefits most efficiently. For example, a department could focus front office staff on being a first contact customer resolution, scanning & imaging incoming documents from customers and managing lobby flow. Intake workers could be cross-program workers with different teams focused on applications, changes, and renewals Evaluate current filing policies and procedures and update them to reflect the new options for paper and electronic files for all programs in the VaCMS 2
Where Are We Now?
Group Discussion - Where Are We Now? "You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” - Alvin Toffler Goal: To gather potential best practices and challenges Activity: As a group, discuss the current state What is going well? What can be improved? What information do you need? Playing a role in shaping the future in benefit delivery Where do they see themselves in the future of benefit delivery What do you want to get out of this leadership Network? 21
Where Do We Want To Go?
Breakout Session - What Does Success Look Like? Goal: To begin to define success as it relates to the VaCMS implementation Activity: In small teams, discuss your perspective on the characteristics of a successful VaCMS implementation. Consider the following: What does success look like for you and your department over the next two years? (examples could include that workers are comfortable leveraging new technologies or citizens receive decisions on applications faster) What will people be saying about Migration Phase 2 when it is successfully implemented? “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” -Henry Ford Playing a role in shaping the future in benefit delivery Where do they see themselves in the future of benefit delivery What do you want to get out of this leadership Network? 23
Modernization Panel Discussion
Modernization Panel Discussion Goal: To share information on specific modernization topics Activity: A panel of Home Office leaders will present information and answer questions on the topics below: DMIS (25 min) SNAP Pilot (25 min) ABD /LTC Conversion (25 min) Training (25 min) Panel Members: J.R. Simpson, Chief Deputy Commissioner Dottie Wells, Director of Enterprise Delivery Systems Skip Steinhauser, Director of Benefit Programs Angie Beachy, Assistant Director of Benefit Programs Barb Newlin, Director of Child Care & Early Childhood Development “Change favors the prepared mind” - Louis Pasteur Playing a role in shaping the future in benefit delivery Where do they see themselves in the future of benefit delivery What do you want to get out of this leadership Network? 25
What's Next?
Next Meeting Future Meeting: May 7th, 1:30 to 2:30 VLSSE Conference, Great Wolf Lodge Ask Network… How detailed they want the information….