Competency Based Learning and Development Dr Ali Nasery l/O Psychologist
COMPETENCY-BASED HR PRACTICES Competency Framework Learning and development Planning and organisational design Competency-based practices are often found in these four mainstream areas of HR. Using competency-based approaches and using the CHCF as a guide for humanitarian focused organizations can have huge benefits including but not limited to – fair and transparent procedures – employees understand what they are being recruited and managed against. They understand what behaviors are being encouraged and will be rewarded. A measured approach to people management – results can be measured using a competency framework and therefore progress monitored and reported on. Most employee actions (promotions, L & D planning, performance management) will be evidence based, reflecting on what the employee has achieved and which behaviors they have displayed. Performance development Recruitment and selection 4
WHAT IS COMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING? Competency-based learning focuses on developing identified workplace behaviors essential to achieve organizational strategic goals. The competency framework should provide clarity on what behaviours are needed in current and future roles. 5
LEARNING NEEDS ANALYSIS Organizational Analysis Job Analysis Person Analysis Blended Approach Goals Values Mission Skills Knowledge Attitude Behaviours Learning Needs Analysis Competency gaps Self-learning Sector-specific training Organization specific training Mentoring Coaching 6
COMPETENCY BASED LEARNING LINK TO SUCCESSION PLANNING Helps identify requirements for key jobs/positions Explains competency requirements for key positions Builds learning paths for succession 7
STEPS TO COMPETENCY BASED LEARNING Organisation identifies competency framework Staff implements PDP Manager Identifies Competencies Required for Role Manager confirms PDP Staff conducts self-assessment Staff proposes personal development plan (PDP) Manager conducts performance review 9
KEY BENEFITS OF COMPETENCY BASED For the organisation - aligned with vision, mission, goal For teams - identified behaviours leading to increased performance For L&D plans - training programmes become more relevant and better identification of training participants For staff – focused learning and promotes engagement 10
BLENDED LEARNING APPROACH 70/20/10 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Learning on the job (70%) – providing or undertaking secondment opportunities Learning from others (20%) – identifying a mentor who has experience in this area Formal learning (10%) – attendance of a training course 12
CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Create competency-based recruitment policies, assessment Create development plans based on competency framework Career development system linked to performance management system Promotion, Succession Planning Policies in place New & existing employees assessed against competencies Individual development plans based on competency gaps developed & updated Managers familiar with career development plan HR Systems supportive of career growth 14
KEY LEARNING Competency based learning programmes focuses on organisation’s vision, mission, goals and needs Crucial to understand which competencies are important and relevant to both the organisation (through competency frameworks) and staff (through job descriptions) From this, developing learning and development programmes then become most relevant 15