2nd New Deal & its Impacts
2nd New Deal Launched in spring 1935 Response to political pressures & continuing economic crisis
Works Progress Administration 1935 Led by Harry Hopkins Work relief Built public buildings, roads & bridges Employed artists & writers Kept 2.1 million workers employed
WPA Sewage Project
WPA Projects
Social Security Act 1935 Assistance for elderly: need-based or for retirement Unemployment insurance Aid to disabled people & dependent children
National Labor Relations Act Aka Wagner Act (1935) Created the National Labor Relations Board Employers had to recognize & bargain with unions FDR supported law to get labor support
Court Packing Plan Feb 1937 FDR proposed adding up to 6 new justices to the Supreme Court Angry about the court declaring New Deal laws unconstitutional Congress refused to go along w/FDR Court began to uphold New Deal laws
Impact of the New Deal WWII ended the Depression, not the New Deal Did not re-distribute wealth New groups gained influence Economic development of West & South Created Federal Welfare State