Caring in Nursing Students Kathy Johnson Differences in Caring Men vs Woman Bedside nurse vs APN Caring in Nursing Students Kathy Johnson
Theory’s of Caring Immanuel Kant-1795 Joan Tronto-1952 Gilligan-1982 Ethical duty to care Moral duty to care Joan Tronto-1952 Ethics of caring = naturalness for women Care loses its power as a moral theory Gilligan-1982 Ethics of Care Theory-"In a Different Voice" Relationships with others-empathy, compassion Noddings-1984 Moral ethics in teaching Rooted in receptivity, relatedness, responsiveness Theory’s of Caring
Theory’s of Caring P. Benner & J. Wrubel-1989 Jean Watson-2008 The Primacy of Caring Caring art embodied minds personhood Jean Watson-2008 Theory of Huan Caring Moral ethics of love and values Swanson's Theory of Caring-1991 5 Caring process Knowing, Being with, Doing for, Enabling, Belief Theory’s of Caring
Research & Resolutions NLN 2000 Curricula reflect caring principals Culturally diverse All social communities Salimi & Azipour 2013 Honest sensitive comforting Attentive Non-judgmental Zhang & Liu 2016 Males-humor Role models Guidelines on touch More male images Research & Resolutions
Simulations/Reflections Be Inclusive Identify Behaviors Role-modeling Appropriate touch Simulations/Reflections What to do?