Chapter 11 Section 2 Imperialism Objective: Analyze Britain’s rule of Nigeria & compare it with other types of Imperialism Vocabulary: Paternalism, Assimilation, & Menelik II New: If you were to buy a business would you be 100% hands on in your business or allow other people to run your business with just a little guidance? Explain your reasoning. Review: Define Imperialism What forces accelerated the drive to take over land all over the world?
Setting the Stage Europeans argued & fought among themselves over the lands of Africa They paid little or no attention to historical political divisions or to the many ethnic & language groupings in Africa In the minds of most Europeans was the ability to control Africa’s land, its people, & its resources
Check for Understanding In an effort to avoid conflict amongst themselves, what conference did the European hold to divide up Africa? Sentence Starter: The _______ Conference was the meeting held to divide up Africa.
A New Period of Imperialism Europeans demanded more influence over the economic, political, & social lives of the people they conquered Each European nation had certain policies & goals for establishing colonies 4 forms of colonial control emerged (colony, protectorate, sphere of influence, & economic imperialism) Two basic methods of management emerged (indirect & direct) Do you think Mr Lemle has direct or indirect control over students in the classrooms?
Check for Understanding Do you think Mr. Lemle has direct or indirect control over students in a classroom? Sentence Starter: Mr. Lemle has ______ control over students in the classroom because _______.
Indirect Control Indirect control relied on existing political rulers British would have local rulers handle most of the daily management of the colony (Indirect Control) The assumption was that the legislative councils that were set up would train local leaders & would be able to eventually govern themselves The United States will use this method in the Philippines. Most European countries started with indirect then moved into direct control
Direct Control Other European powers viewed Africans as unable to handle the complex business of running a country Paternalism: a policy of treating subject people as if they were children, providing for their needs but not giving them rights (Direct Control) Assimilation: a policy in which a nation forces or encourages a subject people to adopt its institutions & customs All local schools, courts, & businesses were patterned after French institutions However, they still recognized African institutions as inferior to French culture What word sounds like Paternalism?
A British Colony: Nigeria Britain gained control of southern Nigeria through both diplomatic & military means Some local rulers agreed to treaties while others rebelled against foreign rule British conquest of northern Nigeria was driven by their desire of the palm oil trade along the Niger River Nigeria was one of the most culturally diverse areas in Africa In 1914, the British claimed the entire region as a colony, using the indirect method of management 250 different ethnic groups lived in Nigeria One region in the north was mostly made up Muslims Hausa Igbo & Yoruba The other two regions followed traditional religions & relied on local chiefs for control Indirect worked in the North but the British used Direct control in the South
African Resistance Africans across the continent resisted European attempts to colonize their lands However, the contest between African states & European powers was never equal because of Europeans’ superior arms The unsuccessful resistance attempts included active military & resistance through religious movements Algeria resisted French rule for 50 years
Ethiopia: A Successful Resistance Ethiopia was the only African nation that successfully resisted the Europeans Menelik II played the Italians, French, & British against each other Ethiopia purchased weapons from Russia & France Italy betrayed Menelik through their contract & he declared war Ethiopia successfully defeated the Italians & kept their nation independent Menelik continued to stockpile weapons He felt betrayed by the wording of the treaty
Negative Effects On the negative side of imperialism, Africans lost control of their land & their independence Africans suffered from diseases, famine, & a breakdown of their traditional cultures The most harmful political legacy from colonial rule was the division of the African continent These boundaries continue to create problems for the nations that evolved from the former colonies
Positive Effects On the positive side, colonialism reduced local warfare Humanitarian efforts improved sanitation, provided hospitals, & set up schools Life-spans increased & literacy rates improved To aid economic growth, railroads, dams, & telephone lines were built in African colonies