2012… WHAT A YEAR! Trial merger with Mercedes Old Scholars All Seniors and Junior teams over subscribed. All 3 senior sides minor premiers and premiers. All junior sides played finals with 1 premiership and 1 runner up. Much better off field outcomes.
But what did the membership think about it? Survey looked at key areas: - management - MOSA merger - communication - social activities - fundraising - facilities 91 responders = approx. 1/3 of the membership base. This presentation is only the key points, some specific feedback will be relayed to the committee and appropriate club officials to assist in next years planning.
Spread of responses…
Perception of club management overall… Approx 80% of respondents perceived the overall management of the club to be good or excellent.
Perception of club management; specific areas…… (4 choice rating: poor / fair / good / excellent – average score charted)
Club management; improvement in specific areas…… Ratings: much worse/worse/no change/better/much better – average scores charted.
MOSA? If we extrapolate, does this represent the MOSFC demographic at UFC?
MOSA? Nearly all respondents were aware of the trial merger… Note: Awareness increased to 97% when Junior categories filtered out.
MOSA? This charts the responses of non-MOSA connected people only. 80% of responders thought neutral or better as a result of the trial merger with 51% feeling some or much improvement. Filtering out junior membership categories increases that figure to 64%.
Sponsorship: value for money? All sponsors who responded felt their investment was fair or good value for money.
How has our sponsors perception changed since last year? No sponsors thought things were worse, and 6 out of 8 sponsors indicated that they felt our commitment to them was better or much better than 2011.
Communication. updates overall were the most effective communication strategy. Facebook very popular among younger demographic, and flyers in the older groups. Word of mouth is still very important. The web page is important but not considered that user friendly.
Fundraising – Membership Fees.
Fundraising – $50 levy.
Fundraising – The Raffle. Raffle allowed folk to recoup the levy – was it worth the effort? Maybe better to just have a membership fee cut off date and all paid up members go into a simple draw.
Club pricing.
SUMMARY (note – some of this summary relies on data not presented in the earlier slides such as free text responses.)
Summary. The responses suggest the membership feels the club is headed in the right direction but there is still work to do in key areas. The club facilities still remain a priority for development and we need to continue to liaise with council to realise the full potential. Our association with MOSFC is worth continuing and the association further developed.
Summary. Online payment functions should be developed as a priority in time for Our sponsors are happier, the direction weve taken to recognise them is on track and those improvements should continue. We are in a better position now to attract new sponsors for next season and beyond. The social side of the club is OK but there is room for improvement – more people need to get involved in planning and running social events.
Summary. People are generally happy with our pricing structure and membership fees. More effort is needed however to get increased compliance with sub payments, and also to encourage social members to become financial. The $50 fundraising levy is supported but the associated raffle is not that important to most members. A single draw is less effort and would allow time to be spent on other things.
Summary. The challenge still exists to motivate supporters to become active members & officials. The common reason given for non participation is time poor. Club communication has improved at a macro level but some holes exist at team level and within the junior ranks. A Junior Communications Officer to contribute to the web site, Facebook page and updates would be a good first step. Webpage needs a revamp.
The winners of the Survey Prize Draw are: Jo Archer L Edwards Emmanuel Mangos … well be in touch.
This survey presentation will be made available (via a link in the next update after the AGM) for interested members.
Lets kick arse in 2013!